The choice not to participate shall result in management assigning the individual to an assignment that remains unfilled after this bid process is completed. Duty statements, post orders, and work instructions shall be determined by the appointing power or designee and will be consistent with an employee's classification. Introduction: The Post and Bid (P&B) process is designed as a method to allow employees to secure an assignment based on seniority in institutions that have fifteen (15) or more full-time permanent employees. On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, ourUnion, led by Lottery The coaching differential shall be subject to the following conditions: The school superintendent or designee(s) shall select the coaches and the maximum number of head coaches and assistant coaches receiving the coaching differential; A coaching assignment may be terminated at any time by the school superintendent or designee; The coaching differential shall be paid to the exempt teachers at the conclusion of the coaching activity; Exempt teachers who are assigned coaching duty and perform for less than an entire season, shall receive the coaching differential on a pro rata basis; Special School exempt teachers who receive the coaching differential are not entitled to overtime, or any other premium pay; Coaching position vacancies will be advertised. Employees on SDI, NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Workers' Compensation for the entire monthly pay period shall be excluded from the PLP 2020 for that month. 2019, and continued to challenge the state to value the work our Employees shall receive this special allowance equivalent to the employee's regular hourly rate on a straight time, hour for hour basis, in cash or CTO, at the discretion of the department head or designee. Failure on the part of the employee to submit a request form by 4 p.m. on May 1, shall result in a no preference indicated (NPI) for the employee. That vacuum of communication too often leads to work being outsourced that could have been done by existing state staff. In order to be eligible to withdraw leave credits from this Bank, the employee must face financial hardship due to an injury or prolonged illness or the injury or prolonged illness of an eligible family member. Employees shall have the right to hold up to forty (40) hours of accrued CTO exempt from mandatory buyout. Accordingly, the parties agree that employees shall not practice, nor shall an employee be required to practice, in any manner which places the employee's license/certification in jeopardy. issues facing EDD, Local 1000 hosted new Director Patrick Henning Whenever no bids are submitted for a position opening or whenever no employee submitting a bid is eligible for appointment to the position, EDD shall select an employee to fill the position through other hiring methods. On March 2, Bargaining Unit 4 leaders surprised Pree at work, Miscellaneous members subject to social security shall contribute eight and one half percent (8.50%) of pensionable compensation in excess of five hundred thirteen dollars ($513) for retirement. No employee in a classification assigned to WWG E shall have the employee's salary reduced (docked) for absences of less than an entire day. 6. Each full-time employee shall be credited with sixteen (16) hours of PLP 2020 on the first day of each pay period for the duration of the PLP 2020 program. offices statewide. On Tuesday, May 4, 2021, SEIU Local 1000met with the to ensure success for Health and Safety Committees at each about the process and potential outcomes. Employees assigned to a 4/10/40 work schedule shall work the number of days indicated on the Shift A, B, C, or D Calendars. Employees may bid for these assignments using the "Bidding" process below. There shall be no mandatory overtime on an employee's RDO (an employee's RDO begins at the end of the employee's last scheduled shift in the workweek) or pre-approved day off, except: During an emergency situation declared by a Superintendent, Executive Director or designee; or. Vehicles (DMV) again to continue our conversations about the These premium holidays are January 1st, the last Monday in May, July 4th, the first Monday in September, Thanksgiving Day and December 25. Such programs shall operate within the policies, procedures, and guidelines established by the 2010 Statewide Telework Model Program. is a possibility for this to change in the future. This section is grievable up to Step 3, as outlined in Article 6 of this Contract, and is not subject to arbitration. Health Facilities Evaluator Nurses (HFENs) have been working If there is more than one employee with an Employee Opportunity Transfer application to the same location on file, one of the top three (3) employees with the greatest amount of department service by class shall be selected. However, these employees shall receive up to eight (8) hours holiday credit when ordered to work on a holiday. The following articles/sections of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as the articles/sections apply to Unit 4, unless stipulated otherwise, shall also apply to Seasonal Clerks. The State shall endeavor to equitably assign custodial routes by considering factors, including but not limited to, the nature and size of the building(s) and area(s) to which employees are assigned. When it is determined that there is a lack of work, a department head or designee may: Pay the Seasonal Clerk employee in a lump-sum payment for accumulated vacation/annual leave credits; or, By mutual agreement, schedule the Seasonal Clerk employee for vacation/annual leave; or, Allow the Seasonal Clerk employee to retain the employee's vacation/annual leave credits; or. For all CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employees, when a regular holiday falls on an employee's unassigned, non-work day, and the employee is required to work, the employee shall receive eight (8) hours of holiday credit. Telework Policy as well as the most recent update to Phase 3 of However, under no circumstances may the period in which to bring the grievance be extended beyond the twenty-one (21) calendar days in item b above. percent (20%) of their time or equivalent to one day a week. . Compensating time off shall be authorized at one and one-half (1) hours for each overtime hour worked. One (1) academic year of outside service will be considered one (1) year of State credit. Employees who are brought into CalPERS membership for the first time on or after January 1, 2013 and who are not eligible for reciprocity with another California public employer as provided in Government Code section 7522.02(c) shall be subject to the "PEPRA Retirement Formula." process of reviewing the Program Technician classification series As LVN assignments become available, the assignments shall first be reviewed by the State to determine whether the assignments will be filled, posted for bid, or filled without posting. An employee exceeding the sixty (60) calendar day limit for any other reason will at least be assigned commensurate with the employee's watch preference. Floating or Redirect: The word "float" is synonymous with that of "redirect". This shall include the right of access by State labor organization representatives pursuant to the Dills Act (Chapter 10.3 of Division 4, of Title I of the Government Code, commencing with section 3512). The composition of the Committee may vary depending on the classification being discussed, however; in no case shall the membership of the Committee exceed four (4) Union and four (4) State representatives. Listen to President The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Contract, each had unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of collective bargaining, and that the understanding and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Contract. Thanksgiving (November 24). The vacant assignments that have been determined by the State to be filled by bid shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this section. Correctional Center, and Pelican Bay State P. On November 2nd and 3rd, the union was back in arbitration A 3.25% raise in 2023. Overtime is earned at the rate of one and one-half (1) times the hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a regular workweek and is compensable by cash or CTO if it meets the following criteria: Ordered overtime of at least fifteen (15) minutes at any one time; Overtime will be credited on a fifteen (15) minute basis with a full fifteen (15) minute credit to be granted if seven (7) minutes is worked. Upon request, the Union shall be provided updated information regarding the post and bid split in order to ensure maintenance of the ratio as described above. Some of the major details from the negotiations Upon ten (10) work days' notice, the department will allow the employee to use a State vehicle or equipment appropriate for the license examination. prior meetings. A rest period will not normally be granted during the first or last hour of the work shift. presenting her with the donations and reminding her that everyone 4 state workers in California. The improved retirement quarter age/benefit factors apply for service rendered on and after the effective date of the 1999-2001 Memorandum of Understanding between the State and the Union. The State shall determine the time when the rest period is to be taken. This This Employees in twenty-four (24) hour institutions, hospitals, State Special Schools, or Developmental Centers may be required to notify the employee's supervisors before leaving the employee's work area and inform them of the employee's location for the rest period. Staff shall only be assigned an involuntary slot once, until the entire list has been depleted. to the employment of new Medical Assistants to ensure the new Contained in this section are the provisions for the "24 Month P&B Process" which allows employees to bid twenty-four (24) month assignments and the "Interim Vacancy Bidding Process" which addresses vacancies that occur while the twenty-four (24) month assignments are in effect. We became aware of this intention when Upon meeting and conferring with the Union, CalHR and SPB approval, and certification of funds (Form 137) by all affected departments, the classification studies shall be implemented. especially hard task given that the pandemic has made health Out-of-class pay shall not be considered as part of the employee's base pay when computing the rate due upon promotion to a higher level. 1. Bargaining Unit (BU) 14 leadership was alerted by membership that Within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of such notification, the Union may request to meet and confer over the impact of a telework or telecommuting policy and/or program or change in an existing telework or telecommuting policy and/or program. Overtime shall first be offered to level-of-care employees for level-of-care overtime assignments before allowing other BU 20 classifications to work overtime. An updated paper copy shall be made available at all EDD worksites every six (6) months. Through the establishment of a seniority volunteer overtime system, departments will endeavor to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime, distribute overtime fairly among volunteers insofar as circumstances, security, or health and safety permit and provide employees with prior notice of possible or actual overtime assignments. Participation in the P&B process is limited to eligible employees. Requisite Skills and Abilities: Employees placed under the Post and Bid provisions must possess the requisite knowledge, skills, aptitude, and abilities of the position to perform at an acceptable level. During this session, a full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employee shall be: Employees who worked the July 13, 2006 through August 6, 2006 Intersession shall have this time counted for purposes of retirement. An employee who fails to report for duty for the exchange and has not provided a medical verification of illness as described, shall not be allowed to participate in an exchange for one hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of the missed exchange. Contact Form. Nearly 200 elected bargaining representatives from up and down A Seasonal Clerk employee will be subject to the provisions of section 8.1, Vacation/Annual Leave. If savings are generated by the termination of personal services contracts under this provision, it is the intent of the State to implement agreements of the Union and the department for utilization of said savings. It contains hundreds of articles A Seasonal Clerk may elect to use available leave balances to receive compensation for leave time. Exceptions to seniority for overtime may be made due to employee attendance restrictions and adverse actions or ward or client safety and/or staff familiarity or training, if such reasons are directly related to the performance of the overtime work. If the State fills the position, it shall be counted neutral until the annual bid cycle. Management shall make every attempt not to schedule BU 17 employees: More than three (3) involuntary overtime shifts per month, effective January 2, 2020, and no more than two (2) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with Article 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or, In excess of sixteen (16) hours continuously; or, In excess of two (2) overtime shifts within an employee's scheduled work week; or, More than two (2) consecutive calendar days; or. Contract gives us the opportunity to meet with the state on the There shall be seventy percent (70%) of the CNA qualifying post assignments at each facility that provides healthcare. Employees may transfer personal leave days in accordance with the provision of Article 8 and the other provisions contained in Article 22. A grievance filed pursuant to this Article shall be filed with the department head or their designee within thirty (30) days after the Skelly Officer's decision. As part of the effort by the DMV to actively manage the spread Positive steps were taken and will continue in order The list will be titled, "Night Attendant Overtime List.". It is the common goal of management and the Union that students attending State classes be assigned to appropriate classes. Less than full-time employees shall be charged time proportionate to the employee's scheduled hours of work. However, section 19.1.3, paragraph F, Work Week Group Policy for FLSA - Exempt/Excluded Employees specifically describes the provisions of the Work Week Group designations for BU 3 specified above. However, whenever feasible, PLP 2020 should be used in the pay period it was earned. This section is not subject to the grievance and arbitration Article of this Contract. The employee shall then have first preference on the first available bid position; or. Management shall make every attempt not to schedule BU 20 CNAs: More than four (4) involuntary overtime shifts per month, effective January 2, 2020, and no more than three (3) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with section 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or. Permanent employees employed by departments with multiple shift operations may be permitted to exchange hours of work with other employees in the same classification or level (determined by the supervisor), performing the same type of duties in the same work areas, provided: The employees make a written request to the employee's supervisor(s) at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the exchange; The supervisor(s) approve the exchange; and. of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) Labor Relations met Agresso unit-4 developer. actions removed, said Tamekia N. Robinson, vice president for On the same holidays in two (2) consecutive years. When such an employee is called back under these conditions within four (4) hours of the beginning of a previous call or an additional call is received while still working on an earlier call back, the employee shall not receive an additional four (4) hours credit for the new call back. These agreements establish Personal Leave Program 2020 and other provisions to reduce employee compensation costs assumed in the 2020-21 budget. Due to the significant economic impacts of the COVID-19 Recession, in accordance with Section 3517.6 of the Government Code, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the following economic provisions of the existing memorandum of understanding (MOU), which require the expenditure of funds for increased salaries and wages that were to become effective on July 1, 2020, are hereby suspended until July 1, 2022: The remainder of the MOU, including economic terms of the agreement not specifically related to the pay item listed in paragraph A shall continue in full effect. The advance stands to update and improve The bidding employee shall submit the completed bid form to the following: The original to the location designated on the bid form, A copy to the Union designated steward, and. Pregnancy, childbirth, and baby bonding are not considered an injury or illness. what we understand, CDTFA statewide started returning employees If no alternate assignment is available, the BU 20 LVN may choose to leave. In accordance with Article 13.7.4 of our contract, State The State will pay the cost of a second medical examination and/or referrals by the examining physician, not to exceed the cost of the first medical examination provided that: The employee fails the first medical examination, or the certification submitted is not accepted by DMV; and. DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees, who have accrued Educational Leave, will be permitted to use approved Educational Leave, in accordance with section 8.28.3 Educational Leave of this MOU, to pay for all educational related activities completed during the thirty (30) day Summer Session. Shall not be docked for absences of less than a day. It includes a 12% raise over the life of our three-year contract, with: A 5.5% raise AND a $1,375 bonus in 2022. the best teleworking environment. Industrial members in Bargaining Unit 21 not subject to social security shall contribute nine and one half percent (9.5%) of pensionable compensation in excess of three hundred seventeen dollars ($317) for retirement. When an employee is formally interviewed, the department head or designee will notify the employee of the non-selection. the Return to Office Plan. State Hospital (NSH). For reporting purposes, compensable time begins when the employee reports to the job site or begins work from a different site, which may include the employee's home, approved by the department head or designee. Compensation Insurance Fund (State Fund) management team. Employees shall suffer no loss of compensation as a result of participation in the labor management committee meetings. Courses included in programs leading to A.D.N., B.S., B.A., M.A., or Ph.D. in nursing, sociology, psychology, management or administration that are obtained after being employed as an RN II. the provisions of Article 21.4. dissatisfaction of members across the state regarding their If an employee desires to remain in an altered post assignment/position, the employee shall notify management of that desire within five (5) calendar days and shall remain in that altered post assignment/position. Vacation and sick leave (or annual leave) hours used will be charged based on an employee's scheduled work shift. current employees hired prior to 2019 to undergo the Tier 2 If because of coverage or other legitimate operational need, it is determined that a bid assignment's posting criteria must be altered, the employee filling that assignment shall be notified of the proposed changes and the reason for such change in writing. Unless otherwise contested by April 15, an employee's seniority as posted on April 1, shall determine the employee's placement on the seniority list. Your Program Technician Committee met with CalHR and that regulate virtually every aspect of the work we do for the with stronger benefits, increased take home pay and more robust Unit 4: Office and Allied Workers - SEIU Local 1000 If cash compensation is paid to an employee for accrued CTO, such compensation shall be paid at the regular rate earned by the employee at the time the employee receives such payment. Bargaining leaders Margarita Maldonado, Vice President for Any changes to the classification shall be handled consistent with section 14.1 of this MOU. down a hostile managers suppression of our members right to Contact us to form a union in your workplace with SEIU Healthcare Minnesota! Seniority scores shall be posted annually in a prominent work location by the second week of January. All exchanges must occur within thirty (30) days from the initial exchange. The applicant will have an official, sealed (unopened) transcript delivered to the Employee Relations Office. CoBen information to BU 7, 16, 18, & 19 (CoBen has no waiting period for Delta). Attempts for authorization must be supported by documentation as determined by departmental policy. The CDCR/CCHCS shall establish lists of BU 17 employees by classification in seniority score order. What he provided was perspective regarding the staffs frustration with the departments lack of communication concerning their critical skills and training. Bargaining Unit 4; Bargaining Unit Name: Office and Allied: Representing Organization . Seniority scores will be determined by counting one point for each month of full-time BU 20 qualifying service (i.e., from full-time hire date, less any time off for unpaid leave, suspensions, etc). The Committee will start meeting sixty (60) calendar days after ratification of this Agreement. Courses included in programs leading to "Expanded Practice" credentials (see California Nurse Practice Act), such as, University of California Human Services Certificate Programs, Upper Division Physical or Behavioral Sciences, Orthopedically Handicapped Nursing-directly related to activities of daily living, Family Therapy (child abuse, family in crisis, problem families), Ethnic/Cultural Sociology (including deaf/blind), Screening Procedures (sickle cell, scoliosis, hypertension), Second Language, e.g. Each hour of additional instructional service shall be compensated equivalent to one-eighth (1/8) of the employee's daily rate of pay. The Union and the County tentatively agreed on four proposals: disciplinary investigations, paycheck deductions, county offered medical plans, and remote response compensation. Normally, an employee who has an accumulation of two hundred forty (240) hours or thirty (30) days of authorized overtime shall not be required to work additional overtime. 19-21. SEIU Local 1000 shall be given a copy of the training program sixty (60) days prior to its implementation. After sixty (60) days management shall decide whether or not to fill the position. The list will be a progression as described above. Employee contributions made by the employer under paragraph A of this Article shall be treated for all purposes other than taxation in the same manner and to the same extent as employee contributions made prior to the effective date of this Agreement. Management determines, consistent with the current Contract, the products, services, and standards which must be met by FLSA - exempt/excluded employees; FLSA - exempt/excluded employees are expected to work, within reason, as many hours as necessary to accomplish the employee's assignments or fulfill the employee's responsibilities and must respond to directions from management to complete work assignments by specific deadlines. that affect our lives at work and at home. The holidays to which this compensation applies are the third Monday in January, the third Monday in February, March 31, November 11, the day after Thanksgiving.
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