This was childish and offensive. The Rebbe could handle their disrespect on his broad shoulders. May we all be tolerant of those that are different from us and stay focused on doing what the Rebbe wants from us! Thats more than any of us have done for the jokes weve made. and i hate that i have to write this on Purim. No one else knew or helped. But in a phone conversation with, Cook stated that the photos which were shared on social media were a gross invasion of privacy. This yid worked in ner Yisreol (not sure deserves such a name) for 15 years and during the whole time no one ever approached him to speak to him. Shame on the kids but more a shame on the menahel who seems to be passing this off as no ones business. The amount of time spent on this the menahel had to know it was going on. A life infused with chassidus leaves no room for such baseless hatred. Hopefully these kids will iyhRead more . Chief Rabbi on Aharon Barak: 'He doesn't know the 'Shema Yisrael By: BJLife Newsroom TA 12th Graders Fahered at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel Baltimore, MD - Jan. 13, 2023 - TA's 12th graders from Rabbi Eli Rifkind's shiur were fahered (tested) on the first perek of Sukkah by Rav Tzvi Einstadter, R'M in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, and the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu HaRav Aharon Feldman, shlita. How sad that Chabad who is built upon mesiras nefesh should be scoffed at. Remember the story of Rabbi Akiva laughing when he saw the fox coming out of the KoideshRead more . What motivates your position? the place looked so much better !!!! Its like if a mentally ill person yells at you in the street. It is not signed by anyone. And honestly, have you never heard the saying that imitation is the biggest form of flattery? I feel bad for them that their Yiddishkeit allows them to mock other Jews to the extent that it has become so much a part of their thinking, that it passed as entertainment in their well reputed school. Call (410) 484-7200 and ask for the Rosh Yeshivah if you feel this was a issue. 40-having experience in both camps the sina isnt 2 way! DONT MESS WITH THE REBBE, I live in baltimore ner yisroel has been making fun of lubavitch The report provided witness testimonies that describe the moments leading to the crash as well as . A) I dont care what time of year it is or what place in the world you live, laughing and disrespecting another Yids way of life in such a public and chaos-arousing way is inexcusable. They have also closed off a room with look-alike bars to create a jail cell. The Menahels attitude is pathetic. I think we should not let them off so easily.We should let the hanhala know in no uncertain terms that something serious is lacking in their hadracha.Is this the outcome of the Torah and mussar which they inculcate in their talmidim?What would R.Yisroel Salanter,after whom the yeshiva is named,say. We as Lubavitchers have no time to deal with the darkness, we are busy lighting, to show their sincere remorse there should be a weekly achdus chassidus chavrusah between ner yisroel and the zal over there as a recent graduate from our education system, and having been through three yeshivos, we are not innocent of this kind of behavior. HaRav Boruch Neuberger is the son of HaRav Sheftel Neuberger, late Menahel of the Yeshiva. How is that any better? You should be ashamed of your self. Sunday, 12 Adar, 5783. as i shared in education the teacher May we once again be to the !, Sign up for the COLlive Daily News Roundup and never miss a story. Ner Yisroel's entry-level division provides its 250 talmidim with a well balanced educational program. 2. Thats a true apology. about time NER YIDROEL had a pic of the Rebbe on the wall , a mikva , some mivzoyim going on there , Hiskashrus with the rebbe , a yechi sign etc! mechina - Ner Israel Rabbinical College - Yeshivas Ner Yisroel Sadness because they will never know what it feels like to help a fellow Yid who was not as fortunate to be born into Torah and Mitzvos to do a simple mitzvah like put on tefillin or hear the megillah on Purim . I feel sorry for the kids in this school that felt completely fine doing this. Without even a sorry. Its no wonder the boys have such poor Middos, there doesnt seem to be strong leadership in their school to emulate. on earth can any Lubavitcher shrug this off as just a Purim joke? Lets remember not to make things worse for these kids chas visholom. Baltimore Jewish Life | Statement From Ner Israel On This Morning's Bruchim bruchim kol hachassidim! If you cannot beat em join em! But if they ask us for forgiveness, theyve missed the point. Rabbi yissocher frand is the mashgiach there or something. What do you expect when the whole Lubavitch constantly makes fun of misnagdim? I personally was raised in a secular environment and can tell u in certain terms that these boys did not come to this on their own it takes a village to raise a child more specifically the klippah then are surrounded in has begun to permeate them. We can feel compassion for them and their twisted chinuch and be kind to them and understand that they are sweet boys with misguided mechanchim. I think the Rebbe would be so ashamed !! In the letter, the bochurim reveal that a teacher in their school rebuked students over creating the display, causing discord among Jewish people at a time when there is increased unity among many frum communities. We dont need an apology. I am glad someone apologized, however, we dont know if this was two bochurim, 10? In the meantime, at least send them letters of the Rebbe and weekly sichos to start learning chasidus. On the contrary, on numerous occasions I was thanked sincerely and politely by various bochurim for the work that I was doing. No one there noticed that someone (or maybe everyone) there says Ashrei 3 times a day (allegedly) and is saying it WRONG!!!!! The hanhala was taken completely off guard when they walked in for shacharis. I agree with the one offering to teach Chofetz Chayim, Chovos HaLevavos, etc. Iysh lrayayhu- The choice is each of ours, . As a knas the students should learn chassidus once a week. If they were not proficient at that, its not necessarily an attempt to be unkind or show disrespect: quite the opposite, likely! to this offender group of Litvishers. Just keep on spreading light and takingRead more . The person who administers the Ner Yisroel college program is sitting shiva this week. I felt so sad that something so disrespectful can happen in a Frum school. Truly disgusting & sad. I am a Lubavitcher, and as it so happens, I have been working on the Ner Yisroel Campus over the past year. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. This has been up for a while and the hanholo pretend they had nothing to do with this. Even after its up he doesnt know what it is because he doesnt have so much to do with the mechina. Maybe hang a cross as a Purim Shpil!? and litvishe were there for a 1000 years before the Besht, Dont they also believe in ? And the rosh yeshiva???? The Baal Shem Tov cleaned up their mess. Collive does a great service to Lubavitch but by no means to they represent it. If someone made fun of theRead more . What is Chabad custom? However lets keep in mind thatRead more . I said a person can be a true tzaddik and talmid chacham without a relationship to YOUR rebbe or his chassidus.. Not descend to Litvak bashing? Disgusting, Wow this is so messed up in so many ways. L4J 8A7, Copyright 2021 Yeshivas Ner Yisroel of Toronto. Please let me know which of our moisdos would allow a blatant anti snag carnival. Spot on. I would never see such disgrace about other Gedolim! If this is the hachana for Purim, imagine how empty Purim itself is. The kids and teenagers know better and ahavas yisroel and derech eretz is more ingrained. The coverup/deflection is worse than the crime, Its took me a while to figure out that it said kisef hamalchus. I thought that by now 35yrs later, they had a little more respect. The Rebbe would certainly not tolerate his chassidim engagingRead more . Learn some history. A signed apology on official stationery is a minimum requirement. Purim a Holy-day. Point is is I dont know why everyone got so upset and offended. They should have done a trade your jacket station so that everyone has mismatched suits. Maybe we can advocate the same thing for the hanahalah of ner yisroel so they can be afraid of Hashem and not of the figurative policeman. Najwitszej Maryi Panny Krlowej Polski > Bez kategorii > ner yisroel news. In a corner of the bais medrash or a room in the dormitory, one can find a group of talmidim that may include bochurim from around the country and communities around the world. March 1, 2018 - 14 Adar 5778. They didnt sign their name. TIME TO RESPECT EACH OTHER EVEN WHEN WE DONT AGREE OR SEE EYE TO EYE!!!! Even in the letter, theyre still mocking Chabad, making it try to sound like Tanya Unbelievable, BSD seems sincere and not only bc of the publicity that put the Yeshiva in a bad light, Sunday, 12 Adar, 5783. Of course, a highly-publicized apology would be in order. This is in addition to their full time occupation in deep Lim mud Hatorah nigleh and Chassidus. Arurim arurim kol. Despite the fact that I politely declined their kind offers, one Bochur took the initiative and brought me an ice cold can of soda. Its time to start teaching Mussar and stop feeding hate. now they finally got busted, As a lubavitcher bachur, a shliach in a yeshiva, this is hard to see. Camp Or Haner was founded in 1986 by Moshe Fuller zl, a Ner Yisroel talmid and native of Mexico. Thanks for that prospective. He held of every gadol. Every Lubavitcher should be personally offended that the only haphazard form of apology was a phone call to Collive. However perhaps we need a third and more balanced perspective here. Monday -3 | 1C. Just some lame jokes, move on. They will stop in for a meal or spend an entire day on campus, where they will meet the Rosh Hayeshiva and members of the hanhalla. Why are you posting these despicable pictures? a letter like this is not fixing the core of the problem. And its revolting This is so funny, just take a chill pill and stop behaving like baybies . The one thing I do agree with is that he should have apologized and explained the situation but for you guys to say its a bad mosdos thats just not true. spirit of certain individuals Hamans!!!. Anything very successful and out there, is a big topic that people think of as worthy of immitating etc. Perhaps we who recently learned perek lamed bais in chitas, and live our lives to mekarev another yid should see past painting the entire Jewish nation with the broad strokes of us vs them. These boys and perhaps the leadership of their Yeshiva certainly need to make a cheshbon hanefesh. Is it justified? and if they are not around enough to know, then let them leave their tvs and sports and visiting wrong places and get into the yeshiah. Follow up sessions to be held monthly for the next year, until the transition to a fully Chabad institution is complete. By tomorrow morning the will be back mocking . Frum children should know and be taught better to respect other Gedolim just as we would hope our students and children would not poke fun at any Litvishe Gedolim. Neuberger. Dont you realize that what they picked up on Will stay with them forever? The irony here is that when any of their talmidim walk into a chabad house around the world, they are welcomed with open arms. A rigorous, comprehensivelimudei cholprogram features all the requisite courses, as well as exciting electives in relevant subjects such as public speaking, Jewish history, and the like. Updated: Jan 26, 2023 / 12:33 PM MST. They should be ashamed of themselves and their amaratzus and how they have no sense of pnimius and their entire hanhala should be ashamed of how theyve EDUCATED their students to speak badly about the Rebbe. Ask someone to explain it to you. this is extremely horrible should not be accepted and misnagdim have no basis for their hatred other than that they are jealous and that they are scared of mashiach so they dont do mivtzoyim Harav Aharon Feldman Shlita is a talmid of the Yeshiva who had the zechus to learn bchavrusa with Moreinu VRabbeinu Rav Ruderman ztl as a bachur. If will after these kids for life. The letter was part of the Purim shpiel!!!!! Rabbi Cook, the principal, said the entire display was taken down. He did not share details on how long it has been up, or whether the administration of the school was aware of its contents and when it was removed. If these same actions were done toward Rav Moishe Feinstein ztl or Rav Elyashav ztl would he still say It was just kids ???? Last night a few bochurim showed up collecting money for their (rosh) yeshiva. 99.9% of Lubavitchers have zero clue what N.I. They knew exactly what they were doing! It might not have been done Leshem Shomayim, but it accomplished getting pictures of the Rebbe in their Mesivta. Your very very judgmentel #2. May they be zoche to come to Chassidus! Two large, newly renovated battei medrash one for the mechina and one for the bais medrash and kollel, classrooms, dormitories, kitchen and dining facilities, ample outdoor recreational space and many amenities provide the talmidim with an ideal atmosphere that is most conducive for their growth in Torah and Avodah with minimal distraction. And as a parent Im sure its harder. Sunday, one thing he can be sure of: the Aibershter isnt viewing this behavior as a joke and isnt laughing. Rabbi Ruderman made between the young Yaakov Yitchok and the Rebbe Rashablamenting (in intense pique) the fact thatRead more . lets see them move hours away from any semblance of a frum community (shlichus) then well talk about apologies. ner yisroel news Many years ago on Purim he met a yid. I dont know what to make of the letter but I definitely would not invite any of these people to my place, Begins writing a page with Bsd or Bh on top I asked them about the Purim shtick. you are not chabad if you can let and even think its ok, that the rebbe should be made fun of like that! And shtus, Nobody would say its disgraceful. Disgusting, Our Bachurim the same week launched and honored Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz with over 10,000 Yiddin putting on Teffilin in his honor. They had dysfunctional views on beautiful pashute yidden who didnt know how to learn Torah like Harvard Professors. You are absolutely spot on. Well said. There are chaburos of yungeleit who are learning the Yeshiva mesechta, as well as many others involved in a diversity of other areas in Shas; some are doing it in a more lomdishe manner while others have a more halacha-oriented approach. This is no joke. He should have just apologied instead of saying that others are culpable of the same sins, Where was the administration , the mechanchim etc. Mi kAmchaRead more . The class rooms the front door the yard outside. They think they are so righteous as they shockle & veyn, but they have no problem pushing women & kids out of the way to get on a bus first. Theres nothing wrong with serving HaShem differently then another Yid might be serving HaShem. Ner Yisrael Its honestly funny and if you find this offensive then the problem is with you not with them. What can you expect from them, they dont put on Rabbeinu Tam tefillin, their tefillin is not ksav Ari, etc. Firstly we must acknowledge the fact that it is extremely difficult and painful to publicly apologize, these bachurim did something brave and deserve credit. Yeshivas Ner Yisroel (Ner Israel Rabbinical College) (also known as NIRC) is a yeshiva in Baltimore, Maryland founded in 1933 by Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman a brilliant Talmudist and one of the primary disciples of Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, dean of the famous Slabodka yeshiva in Lithuania, and is now led by Rabbi Aharon Feldman, one of the foremost disciples of Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Ruderman. Weather. We must learn from the yeshiva how not to behave. Perhaps they need a lubavitcher chossid to give them shiurim in chovos halvovos, mesillas yesharim and hilchos lashon hara. I have never encountered any disrespect or animosity from any of the talmidim at any time. Dont let them pulled you down, this is a distraction to be angry instead of praying and doing teshuva today b simcha and rejoice later at the Megillah reading, There is no ego with The Rebbe and Hashem has mysterious ways, this might led some people to become Baal Teshuva Lubavitchers . being in education being a father of many children with many grandchildren and coming from a family that business was the main focus even at the table Doesnt feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot. The most interesting of these, Throughout the year, various groups of alumni and Kollelim schedule Yarchei Kallah, Friedman Family/Hurwitz Education Building. Im sick & tired of seeing these holy shteigeren. At the conclusion of this period, the situation can be reevaluated. Having taken a look at this article and its comments has a rov been consulted? Many of thebochurimin thebeis medrashhave been in Ner Yisroel since entering the Mechina; they are making great strides in their development. No one told parents what they were working on props and etc and NOT ONE parent called or saw to stop it ?? How many other schools are doing this with abandon? Chabad is about ahavas yisroel and bringing moshiachnot sure howRead more , .. ? , I wonder how many ner yisroel graduates there are that go to Chabad houses for guidance and yiddishkeit after they went OTD. living in 2018 this should not be happening. "Shulchan Aruch Harav (Jewish Law) - 5 minutes daily" Should one day Ner Yisroel is dedicated to producing Bnei Torah that reflect their unique strength and personality. To bow, Period. Yidden going on mivtzoim with lulav and esrog or chanukah. #104 that is the worst thing u can do Boruch Hashem there is lately much achdus and respect between the different sectors of Am Yisroel. In lots of places I go to they make fun of the Rebbe and his chassidim who believe in him oh, wait a minute, those places are officially Lubavitch! Furthermore, some of the bochurim offered me drinks, especially on the warm summer days. He also gives special lectures for the alumni and community at large. But some of it was seen as disrespectful, even derisive, with a photo of the Rebbe in a mikvah, an exhibit of send a fax straight to heaven #Rebbe,' using the Chabad acronym for a donkey without a knowledge, a sign BDH The Reba Died, a whack-a-hat station with a hammer and fedoras, as well as a mock cemetery. Ner Yisroel
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