People robbed native inhabitants of their land, made slaves of them, let loose the scum of mankind upon them. which the chorale itself came. [18], The exposition of these ideas, encouraged by Widor and Munch, became Schweitzer's last task, and appeared in the masterly study J. S. Bach: Le Musicien-Pote, written in French and published in 1905. Darstellung und Kritik[51] [The psychiatric evaluation of Jesus. Noisome animals wandered in and [55] In early 1913, he and his wife set off to establish a hospital (the Hpital Albert Schweitzer) near an existing mission post. Albert Schweitzer Institute | Quinnipiac University For example, he once said, The African is indeed my brother, but my junior brother. On other occasions, he opined, I let the Africans pick all the fruit they want. [62], The poor conditions of the hospital in Lambarn were also famously criticized by Nigerian professor and novelist Chinua Achebe in his essay on Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness: "In a comment which has often been quoted Schweitzer says: 'The African is indeed my brother but my junior brother.' [69] By comparison, his English contemporary Albert Ruskin Cook in Uganda had been training nurses and midwives since the 1910s, and had published a manual of midwifery in the local language of Luganda. "Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of a man's help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing They need very elementary schools run along the old missionary plan, with the Africans going Albert Schweitzer - Biography - IMDb Bartolf, Christian; Gericke, Marion; Miething, Dominique (2020): This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 08:10. While he was on his sickbed, his terminally ill son cared for him despite battling a diagnosis that claimed his life a year later. Schweitzer and his wife did the best they could. As a child, he was frail and an indifferent student in everything but music, for which he showed the interest of a prodigy. "I feel at home here. Albert Schweitzer Quotes (Author of The Quest of the Historical Jesus) Albert Schweitzer | YourDictionary | Sdkurier Online", "Harrison & Harrison organ catalogue by name London", Dr. Albert Schweitzer: "My Address to the People" Commitment against Nuclear War, John D. Regester Collection on Albert Schweitzer, Newspaper clippings about Albert Schweitzer, The "realistic" partaking in the mystery of Jesus is only possible within the solidarity of the Christian community.[44]. The comparison of NOAC-based DAT vs. vitamin . [28] Built especially for the tropics, it was delivered by river in a huge dug-out canoe to Lambarn, packed in a zinc-lined case. received, "freely give"; and the verse that urges men, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls.". [74] Albert Schweitzer noted the contribution of Indian influence in his book Indian Thought and Its Development:[75]. Albert Schweitzer up a ceaseless study of music. In 1899, Schweitzer became a deacon at the church of Saint Nicholas in Strasbourg. In 1922, he delivered the Dale Memorial Lectures in the University of Oxford, and from these in the following year appeared Volumes I and II of his great work, The Decay and Restoration of Civilization and Civilization and Ethics. He was buried in a brief and simple ceremony early this afternoon next to an urn containing the ashes of his wife, Helene, who died in Europe in 1957. Albert Schweitzer - Christian Research Institute That same year he resigned his curateship and his posts at the university and married Helene Bresslau, the daughter of a well-known Strasbourg historian. Date of death. Schweitzer unabashedly emphasizes the fact that "Paul's thought follows predestinarian lines". [6] The tiny village would become home to the Association Internationale Albert Schweitzer (AIAS). Today, the hospital Albert Schweitzer - Wikiquote 1. Schweitzer also wrote the book, The Animal World of Albert Schweitzer, a collection of Schweitzer's writings about the application of ethics to the animal kingdom. There was a further period of work in 1935. Albert Schweitzer, 90, Dies at His Hospital; Doctor Won Nobel Peace Prize for Work in Africa He Was Also Noted as Musician and Theologian Albert Schweitzer, Felled by Exhaustion, Dies at. He received his M.D. Also, he is famous for being a music scholar and an organist. Albert Schweitzer. Footnote 35 Not only has Jesus, according to Schweitzer, by his death and apparent failure, . Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) was an Alsatian-German religious philosopher, musicologist, and medical missionary in Africa. for the life of a physician in French Equatorial Africa. By the 1950s, 3 unpaid physicians, 7 nurses and 13 volunteer aides staffed the Schweitzer Hospital. Schweitzer earnestly sought to live his philosophy, which for him was a creedal guide to action. Albert Schweitzer - Wikipedia Attending the University of Strasbourg, he served as curate at St. Nicholas, gave In a sermon that he preached on 6 January 1905, before he had told anyone of his plans to dedicate the rest of his life to work as a physician in Africa, he said:[64]. Even in his study of medicine, and through his clinical course, Schweitzer pursued the ideal of the philosopher-scientist. In a telegram that Mrs. Eckert sent to them from here Saturday, she said: "He is dying, inevitably and soon. His pamphlet "The Art of Organ Building and Organ Playing in Germany and France" (1906,[25] republished with an appendix on the state of the organ-building industry in 1927) effectively launched the 20th-century Orgelbewegung, which turned away from romantic extremes and rediscovered baroque principlesalthough this sweeping reform movement in organ building eventually went further than Schweitzer had intended. His brother, Dr. Paul Schweitzer, 83, was not able to be with him. At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. The soul is a burning desire to breathe in this world of light and never to lose it--to remain children of light.". He apparently did so in the company of his two cats, "Sizi" and . On Good Friday of 1913, the couple set sail, at their own expense, from Bordeaux to Africa. This decision, protested vigorously by his friends, was, like so many others in his life, the product of religious meditation. Joseph also returned. If a record could be compiled of all that has happened between the white and the coloured races, it would make a book containing numbers of pages which the reader would have to turn over unread because their contents would be too horrible. Rather than reading justification by faith as the main topic of Pauline thought, which has been the most popular argument set forward by Martin Luther, Schweitzer argues that Paul's emphasis was on the mystical union with God by "being in Christ". It is conceivably the only formal philosophical concept ever to spring to life amid Actually, Schweitzer preferred (and planned) it in this fashion on the ground that the natives would shun an elaborate, shiny and impersonal institution. Albert "Ian" Schweitzer, Hawaii man imprisoned for Dana Ireland's 1991 murder and rape, released after lawyer presents new evidence - CBS News Watch CBS News Crime Hawaii man in prison for. He fell ill from exhaustion on Aug. 28 and his condition worsened steadily. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude." ~ Albert Schweitzer. He envisaged instruments in which the French late-romantic full-organ sound should work integrally with the English and German romantic reed pipes, and with the classical Alsace Silbermann organ resources and baroque flue pipes, all in registers regulated (by stops) to access distinct voices in fugue or counterpoint capable of combination without loss of distinctness: different voices singing the same music together. I belong to you until my dying breath," he told co-workers at the sprawling hospital on his 90th birthday Jan. 14. It could then affirm a new Enlightenment through spiritual rationalism, by giving priority to volition or ethical will as the primary meaning of life. Rachel Carson, 1963 Speech in Rachel Carson: Silent Spring & Other Writings on the Environment; Few authors in modern times can be said to have redirected the course of an entire field of study. Heart disease was an uncommon cause of death in the US at the beginning of the 20th century. Dives represented opulent Europe, and Lazarus, with his open sores, the sick and helpless of Africa. Lambarene was where Schweitzer chose to die. Albert Schweitzer was a revered French-German humanitarian, writer, theologian, medical missionary, organist, physician, and philosopher. Hupp, upp. In the years that followed, the hospital grew by leaps and bounds, not only in terms of bricks and mortar but also in its delivery of comprehensive and modern health care. Albert Schweitzer, 90, Dies at His Hospital; Doctor Won Nobel Peace He was genuinely proud of his medical and missionary station at Lambarene. Albert "Ian" Schweitzer, Hawaii man imprisoned for Dana Ireland's 1991 Everyone can have their own Lambarn". He responded with remarkable courtesy for about 20 minutes until one questioner prodded him And this ethic, profound, universal, has the significance of a religion. Darrell 1936. 2 in B minor; no. He returned to Africa alone in 1925, his wife and daughter, Rhena, who was born in 1919, remaining in Europe. Now I knew that the world-view of ethical world-and- life-affirmation, together with its ideal of civilization, is founded in thought.". Next, Schweitzer poses the question: "Of what precise kind then is the mysticism of Paul?" Additional medical staff, nurse (Miss) Kottmann and Dr. Victor Nessmann,[60] joined him in 1924, and Dr. Mark Lauterberg in 1925; the growing hospital was manned by native orderlies. Albert entered the Kaiser Wilhelm University of Strasbourg at age 18. Also Known As: Ludwig Philipp Albert Schweitzer Died At Age: 90 Family: Spouse/Ex-: Helene Bresslau father: Louis Thophile siblings: Emma Schweitzer, Louisa Schweitzer, Lulie Adele Schweitzer, Marguerit Schweitzer, Paul Schweitzer children: Rhena Schweitzer Miller Born Country: France Quotes By Albert Schweitzer Nobel Peace Prize . In 1900, with the completion of his licentiate in theology, he was ordained as curate, and that year he witnessed the Oberammergau Passion Play. Indeed, Schweitzer became a notable organist, especially in the works of Bach. Still gives us room for lofty doing. In the Preface to Civilization and Ethics (1923) he argued that Western philosophy from Descartes to Kant had set out to explain the objective world expecting that humanity would be found to have a special meaning within it. Muntz and Friedman, both Holocaust survivors, to record his work and daily life at the hospital. When Schweitzer was in residence at Lambarene, virtually nothing was done without consulting him. Among his many charitable works, Dr. Schweitzer founded a hospital in Lambarn, which was situated in what was then known as French Equatorial Africa, and is today the capital of the province of Moyen-Ogoou in the nation of Gabon. Although Schweitzer's views on Africa were out of date, he did what no man had done before him--he healed thousands and he welded world attention on Africa's many plights. " At that point in life where your talent meets the needs of the world, that is where God wants you to be. A jungle saint he may not have been; a jungle pioneer he surely was. Widor, deeply impressed, agreed to teach Schweitzer without fee, and a great and influential friendship thus began. He established a hospital and treated the natives there. Dr. Albert Schweitzer found no cancers in Africa at all as a doctor there from 1913 to 1930, and then found the chemicalized, European processed . Two physicians had arrived from Europe, and to them and to two nurses he turned over all medical responsibilities for a year and a half while he supervised (and helped) to fell trees, clear ground and construct buildings. Online Kentucky Death Indexes, Death Certificates and Vital Records Indexes. These synthetic vaccines in themselves cause cancers as other pharmaceutical products based on the chemical nature of the medicine which largely acts as a suppressor of symptoms masquerading as a cure. Schweitzer was born 14 January 1875 in Kaysersberg in Alsace, in what had less than four years previously become the Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine in the German Empire after being French for more than two centuries; he later became a citizen of France after World War I, when Alsace became French territory again. Animal Rights: A History Albert Schweither Though we cannot perfect the endeavour we should strive for it: the will-to-live constantly renews itself, for it is both an evolutionary necessity and a spiritual phenomenon. "Constant kindness can accomplish much. He was 90 years old. R.D. And so he proceeded to build a hospital appropriate to the needs of junior brothers with standards of hygiene reminiscent of medical practice in the days before the germ theory of disease came into being."[63]. Schweitzer presents Bach as a religious mystic, as cosmic as the forces of nature. The on-axis microphone is often a large diaphragm condenser. [88] Biographer James Bentley has written that Schweitzer became a vegetarian after his wife's death in 1957 and he was "living almost entirely on lentil soup". In the first nine months, he and his wife had about 2,000 patients to examine, some travelling many days and hundreds of kilometres to reach him. LAMBARENE, GABON, Sept. 5--Albert Schweitzer died last night in his jungle hospital here. . He celebrated his 90th birthday there as hundreds of Africans, Europeans and Americans gathered to wish him well. Dr. Howard Markel. Albert Schweitzer | PDF | Resurrection Of Jesus | Jesus - Scribd Darrell. Instead, he conceives of sonship to God as "mediated and effected by means of the mystical union with Christ". Dr. Schweitzer became especially famous for giving benefit concerts and lectures in Europe as a means of fundraising for his hospital back in Africa. Blessed are the Peacemakers: Albert Schweitzer as Exemplar Schweitzer saw many operas of Richard Wagner in Strasbourg (under Otto Lohse) and in 1896 he managed to afford a visit to the Bayreuth Festival to see Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen and Parsifal, both of which impressed him. Actor Carl Switzer of "Our Gang" killed - HISTORY E.M.G., op. He locates Paul between the two extremes of primitive mysticism and developed mysticism. In addition to injuries, he was often treating severe sandflea and crawcraw infections, yaws, tropical eating sores, heart disease, tropical dysentery, tropical malaria, sleeping sickness, leprosy, fevers, strangulated hernias, necrosis, abdominal tumours and chronic constipation and nicotine poisoning, while also attempting to deal with deliberate poisonings, fetishism and fear of cannibalism among the Mbahouin. Ludwig Philipp Albert Schweitzer OM (German: [albt vats] (listen); 14 January 1875 4 September 1965) was an Alsatian polymath. "[81], Weeks prior to his death, an American film crew was allowed to visit Schweitzer and Drs. But determination to make his life an "argument" and time, making him inwardly free, so that he is fitted to be, in his own world and in his own time, a simple channel of the power of Jesus.". If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. He made the Africans too lazy to pick them bare.. Though he took theology at university, studying at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Universitt in Strasbourg and at the Sorbonne in Paris before publishing his PhD thesis - on The Religious Philosophy of Kant - at the University of Tbingen in 1899, he first found acclaim as a scholar of music. years to science and art and then devote himself to the service of suffering humanity. The Bach titles were mainly distributed as follows: Later recordings were made at Parish church, Gnsbach: These recordings were made by C. Robert Fine during the time Dr. Schweitzer was being filmed in Gnsbach for the documentary "Albert Schweitzer". Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Animal Rights Advocate - Humane Decisions The two remaining volumes, on The World-View of Reverence for Life and a fourth on the Civilized State, were never completed. In those years he completed his doctoral thesis in philosophy, a study of Imanuel Kant's views on religion; studied the organ, again with Widor in Paris; won his doctorate in theology; was ordained a curate; taught theology and became principal of His Interpreters," published in English in 1912. Albert Schweitzer on the Christ Myth Debate - Vridar I will not enumerate all the crimes that have been committed under the pretext of justice. 1996 - 2023 NewsHour Productions LLC. In 1909, he addressed the Third Congress of the International Society of Music at Vienna on the subject. Photo by Rolls Press/Popperfoto/Getty Images. Subscribe to Here's the Deal, our politics newsletter. I can do no other than to have compassion for all that is called life. The compound even lacked electricity, except for the operating and dental rooms, and members of the staff read by kerosene lamp. At the same time, he was a child of the 19th century, accepting for his ethical creed was as firm at 90 as it was on his 30th birthday, the day he decided to devote the rest of his life to the natives of Africa as a physician. Albert Schweitzer's Warning to White People in Africa - Renegade Tribune "[40], In The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, Schweitzer first distinguishes between two categories of mysticism: primitive and developed. [91], The prize was first awarded on 29 May 2011 to Eugen Drewermann and the physician couple Rolf and Raphaela Maibach in Knigsfeld im Schwarzwald, where Schweitzer's former residence now houses the Albert Schweitzer Museum. At first, he regarded his new life as a renunciation of his art, and fell out of practice, but after some time he resolved to study and learn by heart the works of Bach, Mendelssohn, Widor, Csar Franck, and Max Reger systematically. " One person can and does make a difference. He maintained, instead, that man must rationally formulate an ethical creed and then strive to put it into practice. disease (leprosy), dysentery, elephantiasis, sleeping sickness, malaria, yellow fever and animal wounds. In contemplation of the will-to-life, respect for the life of others becomes the highest principle and the defining purpose of humanity. Colonialism, Albert Schweitzer, and Racism October 27, 2021 Ludwig Philipp Albert Schweitzer known as 'Alsatian polymath', was a theologian, humanitarian philosopher, and physician. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate. Albert Schweitzer (14. tammikuuta 1875 - 4. syyskuuta 1965) oli saksalais-ranskalainen (elsassilainen) teologi, muusikko, musiikkitieteilij, filosofi ja lkri. Hospital workers, lepers, cripples and other patients gathered in the jungle heat as the body of the noted physician, scholar, philosopher and musician was lowered into the ground. Three years after the end of World War II, in 1948, he returned for the first time to Europe and kept travelling back and forth (and once to the US) as long as he was able. Basketball, Argument, Life Is. Schweitzer writes: The Jesus of Nazareth who came forward publicly as the Messiah, who preached the ethic of the kingdom of God, who founded the kingdom of heaven upon earth and died to give his work its final consecration never existed. Schweitzer's death was kept secret through the night because of a request he had. Albert Schweitzer - Facts - Advertisement. His death, political upheavals leading to Gabon's independence in 1960, decreasing foreign . the end came; at first Jesus believed that his Messianic reign would begin before his disciples returned from the teaching mission commanded of them in the Gospel according to St. Matthew. [73], Such was the theory which Schweitzer sought to put into practice in his own life. A famous charitable institution in Africa, the Albert Schweitzer hospital in Gabon, is nearing its hundredth birthday. Now I had my way to the idea in which world [affirmation] and life-affirmation and ethics are contained O'Brian returned to the United States and founded the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Foundation (HOBY). With the new hospital built and the medical team established, Schweitzer returned to Europe in 1927, this time leaving a functioning hospital at work. The journalist James Cameron visited Lambarn in 1953 (when Schweitzer was 78) and found significant flaws in the practices and attitudes of Schweitzer and his staff. In recent years, many have taken him to task for decidedly paternalistic and racist descriptions of his African patients that would offend many a 21st century observer. An ethical human strives to escape from this contradiction so far as possible. He had pondered the meaning of the parable of Dives and Lazarus and its application to his times, and he had concluded that "Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. 35 Most Inspiring Albert Schweitzer Quotes - J. S. Bach: Passacaglia in C minor, BWV 582; Prelude and Fugue in E minor, BWV 533; Prelude and Fugue in A minor, BWV 543; Prelude and Fugue in G major, BWV 541; Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565. Daughter of Nobel winner Albert Schweitzer dies at 90 Death, Cause unspecified 4 September 1965 at 11:30 AM in Lambarn (Age 90) . He received the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize for his philosophy of "Reverence for Life", which states that the only thing we are really sure of is that we live and want to go on living. the right choices. The committee of this missionary society was not ready to accept his offer, considering his Lutheran theology to be "incorrect". They ranged from leprosy, dysentery, elephantiasis, sleeping sickness, malaria, yellow fever, to wounds incurred by encounters with wild animals and many common health problems to which the human body is subject. In the Schweitzer method, the figure-8 is replaced by two small diaphragm condenser microphones pointed directly away from each other. Albert Schweitzer Biography - Facts, Childhood, Family Life & Achievements Turning to Bach's nonchurch music, Schweitzer said: "The Brandenburg concertos are the purest product of Bach's polyphonic style. (78rpm HMV C 1532 and C 1543), cf. All Rights Reserved. Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier. (Louis Albert Schweitzer, born Kaysersberg, 14 January 1875), death data in margin (4 September 1965, Lambarn), no time of birth recorded. Footnote 126 Her devotion to Schweitzer's cause was manifested in a variety of ways and never in . Dr. Albert Schweitzer, a renowned medical missionary with a complicated At the age of 18 he entered the University of Online Kentucky Death Indexes, Records & Obituaries After retiring as a practicing doctor, Albert Schweitzer continued to oversee the hospital until his death at the age of 90. You must give some time to your fellow man. Schweitzer to move his hospital to a larger site two miles up the Ogooue, where expansion was possible and where gardens and orchards could be planted. Schweitzer's recordings of organ-music, and his innovative recording technique, are described below. He speaks to us the same word: 'Follow thou me' and sets us to the task which He has to fulfill for our time. And to those who obey Him, whether they be wise or simple, He will reveal Himself in the toils, the conflicts, the sufferings which they shall pass through in His fellowship, and as an ineffable mystery, they shall learn in their own experience Who He is. Albert Schweitzer. Mosquitoes were not swatted, nor pests and insects doused with chemicals; they were left alone, and humans put up with them. [13][16], Schweitzer rapidly gained prominence as a musical scholar and organist, dedicated also to the rescue, restoration and study of historic pipe organs. Albert Schweitzer. Inspiring Quotes By Albert Schweitzer On Gratitude, Compassion, Life 70 Best Albert Schweitzer Quotes About Gratitude, Life And Success Through concerts and other fund-raising, he was ready to equip a small hospital. Schweitzer, the pastor's son, grew up in this exceptional environment of religious tolerance, and developed the belief that true Christianity should always work towards a unity of faith and purpose. Albert Schweitzer - Musicians, Timeline and Facts - Famousbio yet he was a foe to materialism and to the century's criteria for personal success. . Eddie Albert - Wikipedia His 1931 autobiography, Out of My Life and Thought, describing much of his work in Africa, was an international best-selling book. Success is not the key to happiness. With theological insight, he interpreted the use of pictorial and symbolical representation in J. S. Bach's religious music. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. Here he often met with the elderly Aristide Cavaill-Coll. Assessing the causes of under-five mortality in the Albert Schweitzer
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