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My father got quiet, and said that they werent having a second party. My life hasnt been the same since my mom died but its also changed even more since my dad left. I cant understand why there is so much resistance and push-back from the AC when the WBF really just wants to move forward in his life to find happiness with a companion. My dad died of cancer lung and colon November 2008. Sometimes, grief hits you in weird moments, but thats when you might need to let yourself live in that sadness the most. One of the difficult things that I felt most accutely was that people think they are being helpful when they self-righteously preach at you and state that surely you would not want the parent to be alone. Basically help her keep it together. Well he & Stepmother # 1 were married for 20 years when she passed away. I was not looking for this it just happened. No one is arguing that at all. Without going into to much detail, I explained to my children that I will always love Daddy and that he will always have a special place in my heart but Im still here and I want to live life. Her own son-in-law refused to even enter her house for years. My mom is very smart and resourceful, and she went from that to hopelessness almost overnight. Im surprised she even waited 18 months before she joined the dating agency. How bazaar! Basically, if I didnt offer to help, this is the route it would have gone. She has always identified as the caregiver and may never be ready to give up that role. In fact, I wasnt finished eating, I had just gotten up to help my aunt and was going back to finish eating when he said he was going. Their faith is very important to both of them. If love is measured in sacrifice then she despises him. When I tried to talk with him 4 weeks after my mom passed, he informed me that he is 73 yrs. Hi Lisa, In retrospect, I truly did need that time to just feel normal and not talk about it. I want to be there for her and help her feel better, but I don't think pitying herself is what's best for her, and it seems like she is just stuck in this miserable pit that she doesn't seem to have a way to get out of. My father died on Thanksgiving night of a heart attack. Take care of yourself first. However I am pretty blessed that my mother never seem to mention any issue. No one HAS to be friends with anyone.. Hi, I lost my mom a year ago and my papa started dating his old high school friend whom he had not been in touch when my mom was alive barely a month after my mom died from stroke. I can be contact at if anyone here on this forum wishes to or needs to talk further. Dad was a wonderful caregiver. So in my moms house, surrounded by her beautiful knick-knacks, is this woman with no job, no prospects (she seems a little brain damaged), and no sign of getting better. My relationship with my dad was great- we saw each other at least once a week and always had great talks. My father and I have had a much more tumultuous relationship. Its all about her family and that is what hurts. It was and is extremely hard to cope with. His wife's. This is (as I tell EVERYONE) a testimony to how great a mother she was before this terrible illness struck her. I am surrounded by my mothers belongingsall the knick knacks she loved to look at, I now have a daughter who looks and acts just like my mother did, and I am having to cope with my father bringing another woman into the home he made with my mother. He broke when she died, but so did he. Thank goodness for social media, it helps a little. WebThe first. Any advice? I mean moms been gone for 5 months now and I have to meet the new misses? And, of course, get her involved with her community and classes for seniors. They brightened her day. You may assume you bring all this joy to the mans life, and you think of your own needs in justifying the relationship, but as a woman, I feel that the disrespect to my mothers memory and to family, even if I seem to be the only one devastated, angry and in grieving now for the loss of my dad due to the girlfriend, is beyond anything I would bring to the children of that family if I were thinking of swooping up a widower 4 months after the death of a spouse. So I would be at the hospital Day and night, until my Dad and I took shifts. My parents were married for 29 years, and I am the oldest in the family (28) of three children. Dad will not be late or her or she will not go out with him,so when I visit him,and hes arranged to be at hers,even just to be at hers for nothing in particular,he panics to get me out just so she wont be annoyed with him. Thanks for allowing me to do so. I told him I wasnt ready to meet her so he set it up that when I came to visit him last night in the hospital she was there. He once sent me a live version of Glen Campbells MacArthur Park and noted: Just listen to the bridge from 2:00 minutes until 4:20. She had fallen out of love with my dad a long time ago, she had told me, but I was worried about who would take care of her. Mum shocked to be called. And paperwork etc. This sweep it under the rug and ignore it strategy goes against what I would like, because I feel it makes our relationships with my dad superficial, but Ive come to accept that a superficial relationship with him is better than no relationship at all. They only spend week-ends together and during the week they are at their respective homes but she is now entitled to his pension. He drops everything for her,he sits all afternoon with her oap pal,has tea or dinner with them,we were lucky if we had 1 meal a week with dad at table. I felt like this was manipulative, she refused to get a job & had always lived as a stay at home mom & then got into alcohol instead of eventually going to work when we all were in school. Dating for over 50 years, my dad moving too difficult to clean out, death of a two-year battle with my mother passed, is tomorrow. She didnt shed one tear at his death bed or funeral and has been out with one of his friends who carried the coffin within weeks of Dads death (only on occasional basis as he has a complicated relationship with someone else whatever) and I have not stopped her. ET (Eastern Time) Monday to Friday, or between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. We just lost our mom , now we feel like we are losing him too! I HAVE BEEN READING YOUR PAINFUL EXPERIENCES,MINE IS SIMIALR PEOPLE DONT UNDERSTAND THE PAIN IM IN.I HIDE IT NOW. -The feeling that my role in my family has changed. 6 months after her death, my father announced that he had been dating a new woman and asked if my wife and I wanted to meet her. I dont think I will ever understand any man. My sisters and I are not comfortable with this because it has become quite serious and it has also changed her personality. Hopefully you all got the gist of my situation. He always had too much work to do when she wanted to go somewhereto see her grandkids and children. who knows), but it gives me a bad feeling. So as if all of this is not bad enough now he tells me that she is gunna move into his house. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My responsibility now, and mine alone, mostly, is to see that my children have the best chance of success in life. What do you do when the new girlfriend, is very pushy? I am a 41 yr old widower, father of three kids, daughter 8 and twin 6 yr. old boys, who lost his wife of 11 years, the last five she was sick and dying of colon cancer. 1) mom was gone Dont ask me why as I could not tell you! I was speechless. About 8 months after my mom died my dad started seeing someone this person that he is seeing was a friend of my mothers back in the day. Her whole carpet got ripped out from under her. It is important, however, to keep in mind that you are the child. I dont want him to sit around being a lonely old grieving man as he has accused me ..but since he asked for my opinion of this relationship so soon (and really wanted my blessing)I stated to him and his lady friend.that I felt he owed my mother more respect than this. Would I want the man to tell his daughter that they had to get over it and deal with it? I felt this as I jumped off a waterfall in Ithaca the summer before my junior year of college when I decided to move to upstate New York for the summer. I would like to help but she doesn't seem to want to ask for help. oh and forgot to mention when I first met her I googled her and found she had 3 DUIs already. I feel as if Ive lost both Mother and Father. 20 minutes into our meeting she seemed stoned, or drunk. Forgiveness will change your life. I am the girlfriend of a widower of 3 grown daughters. It is never too late to join a grieving group. Thank you so much for your advice. He was alright. She sighs constantly and it seems like basic things are just really difficult for her to do. Ironic that what motivated me to try to forgive was the fact I did not want him to be alone. My mother died of cancer when I was 16 and my sister and brother were 18 and 14. I have one sibling, a younger brother. He just told me that he wants me to call her or come by to wish her a Happy Mothers day, he says she wants to be a mother to me. What if the resentment comes from the girlfriend? Ive told him everything Ive included i this post and more, and none of it has ever gotten through to him. You will never trust your fathers love for you again. My future step daughters(in their late 20s) do not accept that my fianc have a person in his life. I find myself totally devastated over this but because I love him very much & understand his loneliness, I now stay silent in how I truly feel. Hes always been eccentric. Worse still, he is in ICU with a poor prognosis and I am expected to defer to her. My mom was dads age, a size 14, short, and conservative looking with a mom-type haircut. NOW HE HAS TAKEN ALL THE MONIES OUT OF THE HOUSE MUM AND HE OWNED Typed on my phone, dang you autocorrect! I hope for your fathers and your sake that you can work this out, because to lose a daughters love is something that is unimaginable so I wish you the best. I feel that, its heavy. This story is long, and if youve reached this point, i mean just finish it off . They were very codependant, but because I grew up with them being that way, it wasnt a big deal to my sister or I. My husband & his sisters were so close with her and their father. She seemed nice enough. To say I was shocked beyond words is an understatement. We obviously dont matter. They were married 34 years good relationship. So now its November.. my dads house is in the process of being fully remodeled. Im upset that he is treating another woman better than he treated his wife and mother of his three children by appreciating this lady, sending her flowers, making her feel special, communicating with her etc. So sada horrible lesson of how not to act..and it has only now been 7 months. This has got to be very tough for you. Within weeks, my father took up with a mutual friend of theirs. I guess I just wanted to say the relationship has blighted our lives and especially mine. My husband reserved judgement when he first was told about her and believed she couldnt be so bad and that it was the timing that was an issue. My mother passed away 30 days ago. It's a harsh thing to say, but sometimes during the grieving process you begin to think "why me" and "it's not fair to me", etc. I do hope you have found some peace ? Scott suggested giving your stepson concrete check-ins about his move-out status, and boundaries for the time being as you continue to cohabitate. My hair stated to fall out. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Wow. The love that you have for your spouse and your children will never change. I actually kind of felt sorry for her. The next morning i was woken up with her SCREAMING that she has NO privacy in this house. Now, try the right place. 97,343 The three other suspicious deaths linked to killer Alex Murdaugh and his family On the contrary he thinks that he owes her because she moved and sold her house on retirement to live with him. I would go during the day and he would come around 4 to relieve me. There is a train and buses and a taxi driver who lives 2 doors down from my father. I could not seem to make sense of anything that was happening in my life. Its like its no longer convient for him to do that. I think he expects both the families to just blend together like the Brady bunch and I dont think thats ever going to happen. It may not have been a perfect life or relationship, but it was better than this. They were the priority, my need to be with a man or re-marry, was not the priority. And how dare him talk to me like this about the other woman. When my best friend Sallys father passed away in 7th grade, I attended the funeral, and held her hand. Well soon to find out a few months after i found out there secretly dating. The reality of all this is I cant let them watch the baby bc he is physically incapable and she is drugged up all the time. What I got was a Thanks. Who is a wonderful and caring person. Mom put to death at her own request after murdering her 5 kids This story has been shared 97,343 times. Obviously, a liver issue meant the cancer was in more than 1 organ by the time she knew. Im just not up to dealing with that yet. It didnt take him long to realise that I had not done her any disservice and that all I had said was accurate. We all brought pizzas over and his girlfriend brought cookies & fudge, etc. The love of our lives died right in front of us, helpless, all our dreams to grow old together, and spend the golden years taking care of each other, see our grandchildren grow up, be with our best friend forever just vanished. As she is his first priority Im sure many things will change. I told her that her insecurities were causing a tremendous problem in our family. I pushed him a little to spend more time with his family, his siblings and children from a previous marriage, and now he spends nearly every weekend with them. My sister does not like her because she thinks they were going together before my Mom even died, or soon after and kept it a secret. Through time she will heal, just help guide her there. I cant tell my dad how I feel as I dont want to upset him. I comfronted her. Read a book, watch a movie, a ballgame, get online, visit a friend or family member. From reading the other posts, it appears the only answer it to wait for an unspecified length of time or wait and hope that the children will approve. I am doing my best to not relive those painful moments when I was a bratto acknowledge that I was simply being a teenager. Know that even if they fumble over the right words to say, or text you a meme when you were hoping for sincerity in that moment, that they love you, and are trying. My dad died in March. It made me sick. Jennifer garner is very suddenly three months ago, siblings, my father is the birth. The day she got rushed to the hospital was the first time I had ever seen my dad cry. One was Next time do a proper job and Whatever you do never ever tell her what happened. It occured before they were fully living together.He knew she would humiliate him over having a weakling daughter. Even though the other sister was with my mom every second of every day since my moms diagnosis and passing. I question my Dad, he says it is temporary until she finds a condo to buy. It seems more like she is having a party instead of respecting my fathers memory. I really cant stand her because she has brought so much hurt and pain into my life, morally I shouldnt be disrespectful to her but deep down I just hate her with all my heart. My sisters and I say that she is acting this way because she is manipulative and plotting. They were going out a lot. It always protects, always trusts, always hope, always perseveres. I know that not all the persons that come into your families are there for a good reason. For you need to keep in honor her passing. My mom passed on in Jan/2009. He sees my distress and is powerless to act. Its totally ok if you find yourself bawling your eyes out 'for no reason' for the next few months (or even year or two). There still secretly dating behind my back and they still call it friends even though they kiss and always hangout, ect. I dont believe that they only developed feelings after my moms death. She just seems like she tries too hard. Ill never forget Christmas morning, crying in her hospital room together. Well, about 5 months ago he started dating a woman who he met from one of my moms bests friends. Of course, you are taking the risk that there will be a family split and you will get the blame. moving in with mom My dad has also been lazy too since it. I felt this when I was on top of the world on the ledge of a boulder in the middle of Lake Cumberland, KY, the summer I decided to get 14 people together and rent a houseboat for a week. He did not try to do anything and a day or so later said he didnt know who started it. For me I didnt like the idea of this woman but was prepared to accept her into my life. Around sept 2022 I mentioned to my mom we were applying places and getting ready to move out as we were outgrowing the space we had there. The only people that truly understand us are people that have experienced this like us. It was and is possible for British people to buy houses in Florida and rent them out through an agency. .I cant believe I found this website. He is planning on having some woman, who he has only met less than 2 months ago on a chat messenger program, stay in the house and attend our Thanksgiving family function (the first one since my Mom passed away, which is almost too hard to bear right now). I feel like the enemy. He is so eagerly adopting a new family and a new identity, that it makes me wonder who he truly is and what/who he truly stands for. At 62. My mom and I were very close before she got sick and got even closer during her illness, so this feels like a violation to me in so many ways. I met this wonderful man who I could talk very easily about my feelings of lost of my late husband and he could do the same with me. You can tell mom this: I moved out because you were demanding that I pay 1000 a month for three people to share one room. My father met a woman (shes actually renting our old house) about a year and a half ago. When he moved in with her she did not even have a grab rail put in for the shower. he took her to eat at my daughters favorite restaurant, not a month after my daughter died. He has never really been there financially even when my mother was alive, but I used to think its because He has lots of kids & He will one day change. Bachelor and constantly discuss these women he is talking to, showing us their pictures they have sent him on his smart phone, and even dropping vague hints that he has met up with some of them while traveling for work. You also say that there is no definitive objective timescale for someone moving on with someone new. Nor do I fault him for moving on and pursuing his own happiness. So I accept it or lose my Dad. I requested that she be called by her first name. She calls him 3 -4 times a day wanting to know what he is doing or where he was. WebAfter their fathers death, four siblings come together and stay with their mother for a week. I lost my dad who had a great relationship with me for 50+ years.. My kids had a great grandpa for 15+ years. We have not been ready to and now i feel like we are forced to whether we are ready or not cause she is moving i just over reacting? Thanks again for sharing. NTA your mom's "bUt fAmiLY" was just a manipulation to get her bills paid. Give me a break. When I first heard this from my father I thought there is no way you love her or even did if you are replacing her. You are the Girlfriend so you would not understand how their children feel. Since my father was near death almost 3 years ago, I feel my mother was and is jealous of the attention we gave my father. After Moms Death, Daughter Struggles With Dads Girlfriend. A woman who he has known from a long time ago. After her death my husband and I continued to live with my dad to keep him company and ease the loneliness. She shook out her hand and said her name but there was no introduction on his part like, This is my daughter and this is my friend/co-worker/date/girlfriend etc. So I sat there the whole concert wondering who the heck this woman is. My dad passed in 2004 and my stepmother inherited nearly all of my mothers nestegg intended for her children. I am 23 years old, I am her youngest, and I am in the toughest time trying to get through this. People will die; people will leave, and sometimes, they just decide they no longer want to be in your life anymore. I ended up moving it from our house to my brothers because I just could not imagine her here. He lost his identity when my mom passed. It was profoundly lonely and its not just the loss of intimicy, its more then that. Her shoes still sit in the entry way of the house and her glasses, hand lotion and chapstick are still are her nightstand. As much as I understand all this, I still find it so incredibly difficult to accept him dating. Seeing my father sneaking across the landing at night was excruciating. I only met the D and the S 18 on one occasion. It appears that you have done all you can and the only selfish person in the equation is your father. Im the other woman in his life and as such, need to get over my mom and accept the GF because he loves her and is happy and my happiness does not matter hes the one who deserves to be happy, not me. In the summer, I helped him clean out my moms clothes. November 11, 1998 dawned grey and cold. Just understand she lost her life partner, and that's a low blow. The pain may fade but it will not go away. He should worry about his own 20 year old daughter, not her kids. I cant lie to my dad about my feelings so I just tell him how it is. He has tried to give me the other womans phone number and told me to call him there. My phone bill alone is 129. Your choices are agonising ones. I am sickened. As I said, they have a strange relationship. You probably do not have. It is disappointing and offensive to know that the 20 plus years of marriage he had with my mother, doesnt seem to matter much now as he has decided he cant be alone and has needs. We dont get together on Easter. I felt completely violated. I miss my husband with all of my heart and would do anything to have our life back and the way it used to be. Well, I met her and my attitude has changed. I mentally slapped myself about the head striving to gain acceptance of my terrible situation. KNOW HE HAS TAKEN DAD TO THE PHILIPINES ,THROUGH COMMETS MY DAD SAYS HES HAVING SEX WITH GOD KNOWS WHO,HE TELLS ME IT STILL WORKS.NOT WHAT A DAUGHTER WONTS TO HERE? She once said that nurses who were overweight should be fired as it was obvious they could not be doing a good job. I have done my parents bills since 1977 but when I was extremely sick in 2014-2015 he told me he would take care of them. There is Hope. I just want to make the point that grieving cannot be hurried. Take up a club, but dont take my dad now that my mom just died. And on top of everything that was going on with my mommy, my dad and i hadnt been getting along for a couple years now. There's definitely a generation out there who got help starting from their parents and somehow still want to be supported by their children. When you do everything you can to resolve a situation and the other person still rejects you, you must stop thinking, I havent done enough.. How dare I try to prevent him from moving on? I included her in many ways (program, introduction at the reception, invitation to have her hair and make up done with us, corsage), but explicitly told them months before that I didnt want her walking down the aisle because that was my moms place and leaving that empty was my way of including my mom in my wedding day. What about me?. I feel exactly as you have written. It is more about the widower than it is about whatever woman they happen to be dating. However that does not mean the living spouse is to stop their life. My Mom was a Catholic and I knew upon her death that she would want the last rights and everyone to be there before she was taken off support. Then on Thanksgiving he brought her to my house. Thank you Julie for your post. Your relationship is decades longer, and your link to your father is through a woman no longer alive. keeping up with the royals Jan. 30, 2023. We bonded like we hadnt ever. #pov after my mom died my dad wants to move to the city. The pain is a part of me now, and it always will be. I did asked for financially assistance but He believes that we are rich knowingly that we are unemployment. When I wasnt in class, I was in the hospital talking to mom, watching her sleep, and helping her stay comfortable. We can accept that he wants this new relationship, we just wish he would accept that we are just not ready to be a part of it. But guess what? 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Loss of a loved one is also known as bereavement. TWO days after she passed away, he was bragging about how we wanted to get out on the town and get laid. While I did take some of my moms belongings out of the house when my she passed with my Dads permission there are still things in the house that belonged to her and my grandmother. I just wish I had read all these stories so I wouldnt have felt so alone! My mother passed in April 2011, and by January of 2012, my father became involved with a woman he dated before marrying my mother, thirty-eight years ago. The past year, I noticed an even bigger change in my parents relationship. It isn't her job to help you pack. And not ever having one now he wants one. And he is happy. .it wasnt three days after my dad called it quits with this woman, that she was calling him. My parents were married for 45 years and my mom died of colon cancer. the new woman has done away with every thing that was my daughters . They had small get-together at my Dads house after the wedding and my Dad simply did not look happy that night. This dad has did it all for themsorry his 45 year old marriage is overSHE DIED 3 YEARS AGO. I mean it is not all about what you want. I am sure this woman was nervous, and really, she was nice enough. Press J to jump to the feed. Ive finally accepted that he hasnt replaced my Mom, he just wants companionship and to be happy again. I wish you the best through these troubling hours. Let have them do it know when he also knew that what she wanted and my Brother and my son were on there way, and should of been there by noon. But for you being a young widow I think its astounding how you understand both sides of love and death now and like you said you can date and love someone again while at the same time never forgetting your first husband. If the PR prevails at trial, brother will need to move out within a few days, or the sheriff will forcibly remove him. Unless you are an orphan or have exiled yourself from your family, your choices do have an impact on family at all ages. Dear John, my mother passed on after a short sickness of Blood cancer. Ive accepted that its okay to miss my dad deeply, and to be sorrowful that I didn't have a better relationship with him earlier in life. It is very sad, but after 2 and half years I havent been able to talk to them more than 2 times, they are reluctant to meet me, and I respect their feelings but I dont understand them. Her name is not on the account, but mine is! My sisters have been amazing as well. Im Dave who posted in November of 2014 . That night was his last, as they all shut down, one by one. Your father says talking with women online makes him feel better. My mother passed away 10 years ago when I was six months pregnant with my first daughter. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Why would I? It crushed me that he could feel my resentment but I remember how angry I felt and how it felt like my world, my family unit was being invaded. Is she my cup of tea? Im sure by the end of the year there will be an announcement of a wedding. Now my father has started looking for a woman on matrimonial sites which I came to know when I sneaked into his phone. His response about this has been so offensive that is has resulted in some family members wanting to not have any further contact with him. This week marks five years since my mom passed away. His depression has been lessening considerably because of it. Ive watched Ive watched several of your videos tonight. I have told him I understand he wants this relationship and I accept that and actually understand it.but at the same time, I am not ready (nor can I promise I ever will be) to particiate in a relationship with her. She spent a lot of time complaining about just about everything. The love that you have for your spouse and your children will never change. Though he was ready to enter into this relationship, the kids werent ready for it and its quick progression. Thank all of you for your stories, but heres mine I have heard all of these things through my boyfriends daughters to him about our relationship and their feelings. The sooner the better. To those who are the new girlfriend or boyfriend- if you really care, give space and not pressure. If he is not in a healthy relationship with you, how can he be in a healthy relationship with the girls?