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He will be appearing at an Uplift conference on Nob Hill, in San Francisco. Actually Andrew and Harry are part of the same story in astrology; you dont separate them. Harry Styles Photos, Pictures, Pics, and Images Not great for a royal. I feel the hurt from W and his wife very strongly. Create your free, personalized, and highly customizable birth chart (natal chart) by filling in the form below. After the 1925 Santa Barbara earthquake, the main house was demolished. Jessica, I have a nagging feeling that Meghan has got all her ducks in a row and is watching it all play out. I have been doing some research on Harry, Meghan, Russia and the astrological charts, ahead of a podcast with Sarah Vine at the Daily Mail and an interview in the Daily Express. Williams pain seems private. This is also the year that a special child will come into her life. (Two years after this forecast, Meghan became a mother). A gardener? Prince William does not have mars conjunct jupiter and in fact jupiter has to pass saturn and pluto in order to progress to conjunct mars. Dear Jessica, reading your comments its become a little clearer to me as to why Harry and Meghan are attacking the British monarchy so avidly, despite using their titles and clinging on to the Royal Familys coattails. Thank you I am glad you are seeing through it. I defer to your assessment of sections being superb, with brilliant ghostwriting by Pulitzer Prizewinner JR Moehringer. Also, wasnt MM listed as a witness by Virginia Giuffres lawyers? Wow. Once the relationship was made public, she tweeted My cup runneth over. And were not talking about the handbag. (Internally of course is another matter). Bloodlines are part of that. In addition, to split the United Kingdom (so Scotland, for example, may aim for independence). Another quick question about this issue which I really cant stay away from however much I want to. What a mystery story. Linda also says quote: I do hope that HArry finds what he is looking for and there is some reconcilation eventually. Id be furious in the same situation- but also extremely worried. According to Vedic astrology (I used astrosage), Harry was indeed head over heels for Meghan when he first met her. What 2022 has in store for YOUR star sign | Daily Mail Online During any spare moment I read the information you give so generously. You have added so much to this ongoing story and there will be a lot of readers who are very grateful to you. She loves a duel. Big drops of rain started falling and it got cold very quickly. He wrote that QEII had mars closely conjunct jupiter so thats why she became queen at a young age as it didnt take long for jupiter to progress to exact conjunction with mars. Have you read Spare? My feeling is they lied on the first pregnancy dates etc, to throw the press off, same as when they said they were married by the Arch Bishop before Ceremony and he said it didnt happen I put the kettle on and made myself a large pot of tea at that point! I agree the versions of the meeting has changed. His Sun and Moon are square Harrys Pluto at 0 Scorpio. Will Pluto in Aquarius tell us more about this sprawling global enterprise? James Grey Stuart makes an interesting read. industrial strength). I have no doubt that the royal drama is one act of it. You have predicted MM losing her titles and being offered the same status as Peter Phillips around March time. Makes perfect sense Jessica. It might only make for another Diana a woman chosen only because she is an appropriate marriage candidate, destined for unhappiness. Thank you for updating this blog and for reposting the Leo Weather 2017 for a re-read. This is going to be a tremendous territorial divide of world leadership, particularly in respect of those leaders children, successors or dynasties. Aries (March 21 to April 19): 2022 is a year of change for you, so be prepared to be adaptable and flexible. The King was determined to end the affair and insisted that his son had to marry. We are part of the desired outcome, just by discussing her, but it has to be done. It does look like divorces for courses in the Windsor family, doesnt it? A secret marriage is possible. As you quite rightly point out, Russias interest in Africa just resumed. Jessica Prince Harry has been called a stupid boy and told to take responsibility after his confession of killing 25 Taliban was used by Iran to defend its hanging of a British-Iranian citizen. It inclines. In the process he just confirmed that the BRF are only flawed humans, just like the rest of us, albeit privileged beyond words. There are several cars parking in the forecourt, and there is one a black sports car that I know belongs to a great friend of mine, C.D. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is under Anglican rule, after all, the kingdom being in Church of England hands since Henry VIII. A major cover up. If you want to push sales on a book, you dont just have a pre-campaign with lots of surprises (the so-called Spanish surprise editions) you also have further bombshells to re-ignite demand for a second print run. Otherwise the backlog of chores caused by this topic will grow even greater. Was it to set Meghan up for a manufactured story about a faked pregnancy (with no basis in reality) or was this actually a classic eclipse cover-up by Meghan? Suddenly we have a much more devastating reason as to why Cromwell would be immensely threatened by the Queen, says Nolan. If Charles III is crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury despite the sealed legal documents which can only be opened after his death (the legal opinion on he and Camilla) then I hope everyone can see if little George turns out to be gay, inherits the crown from William, and has an Anglican gay husband, then there is nothing whatsoever that can stop King George and (Fred?) My question is, will the scales fall from Harrys eyes, resulting in him successfully getting away from Meghan Markle before she discards him, the final stage in the narcissists playbook? Harry is a red herring. I agree that its about time that the truth about Diana and Dodis death should be revealed and I hope that Harrys book will eventually trigger a healthy motivation regarding that mystery. Billionaire Burkle has a 42.5% stake in Soho House according to The Guardian. Thank you Becky that is really kind of you to say. Something Ive found really odd is the pictures of the late Queen and Prince Philip as a young couple participating in a druid-style ceremony in a wood somewhere. It would be uncertain, though, so that there could be a reunion episode. Too funny. This is the renovation for a dream home, or a relocation to a new home. The start of something bigger? English singer, songwriter, and actor. This is important, because the Commonwealth is a target of China, and China is in partnership with Russia. He was born with Uranus at 9 Sagittarius. The headlines were like fat frumpy Fergie, the Duchess of Pork, she has the body of a Jurassic Park monster. They were personal and shocking and had nothing to do with racism. Im not talking about a plot here at all and I dont mean to compare their lives and deaths either, Im only amazed at the kind of kinship of soul these three unordinary human beings shared in terms of their massive spiritual and creative legacy. He delighted, and I was daily gladdened by His Also, Pluto is nearing conjunction to my Mercury and an opposition to my moon and Uranus will be coming into conjunction with my SN. Thank you. And more than once. Every time I step back and look at what is going on I roll my eyes, because the whole campaign is so clumsy. Jessica, James Grey Stuart was the youngest son of the 17th Earl of Moray. Its Mercury Retrograde after all. Its fascinating, isnt it? Perhaps, the importance of Mercury in the Oscars' chart, the planet of communication, gave a nod towards Read more Anger drives this feature? This will change the way we work and live forever and deliver a four-day week. Indeed, Harry undermines and questions the monarchy in a unwise, almost childish way. For Harry this cycle, which began in 2018, is about racism and mixed races, as well as different races. Just pursuing that was an affront to plenty of Anglicans, Ill wager. JC. on footage of the Queens funeral. Why he again does not name the Russian who sold them (at a discount) their American mansion. In the Netflix episode they went to great lengths making out that Meghan and Harrys meeting was random. Though from your point of view neither Charles or William will ever be crowned kings. Foreign affairs As for the will, we will never know; these things being kept private (apart from the rather peculiar detail that Her Maj had left the corgis to Andrew and Sarah). If we step back from what has actually happened (never mind the endless cascade of words, clips and photographs) we have seen the brother of the heir to the throne (the necessary spare in times of war) remove himself from that position. Harry is free to write a book about it. I concur. I was sad to see a subscriber leave because of the discussions here and I am sure you (sadly) get much more abusive comments that you dont post. The balance of power is shifting. How interesting. Fantastic. Interesting. According to journalist Neil Sean on his YouTube this morning, suggestion of a peace summit with Charles, Archbishop Welby and H&M before the coronation originated in USA not the palace. He may be poking the bear. If one were writing the next episode of The Harry and Meghan Show, a separation would be good ratings. Harry's ascendant is in the opposite sign of Capricorn, which makes him more stoic and heroic. Anyway, Im really interested in your opinion on all this because you have been the most accurate with your predictions than any other astrologer Ive read about so far. Pluto moves to 00 Aquarius 00 so adjust for your nearest city. Things do resurface of course. That there maybe a broader plan here to destabilise the British/ American relationship. Sarah and I both read Spare and felt the same way about it. I agree the Oprah interview timing was terrible and deliberate. You raise the subject of blackmail. You saw William as King, not Charles. It was originally diamonds hung with pearls. and at the entrance thereof chanteth Her song: In the beginning, before the Lord made the Earth Pluto will be in opposition to your Leo factors until 2044 and he only makes it to 0 Aquarius from March-June 2023, so it will be some time before you see the usual questions about how much power or control you have in a situation. If not for the astrology, I would never have focussed on foreigners and foreign countries in his life; once it was clear this was the main story of 2018-2026 it didnt take long to find America-Russia. I question the timing of Prince Harry attending a major public event at a large hotel on the weekend Saturn makes the ingress. As many pointed out at the beginning of this thread, something doesnt add up. The predominance of Air signs in your chart favours and amplifies your taste for relations and for all kinds of short trips, whether real (travels) or symbolic (new ideas, mind speculations). I should also point out that The King has the option of being crowned alone. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology Your Five Year Horoscope Guide.