attacking an Individual's character rather than considering his or her arguments a. 2.a moral theory that claims all cultures have a commonly held set of moral beliefs important to the United States? "All A are H. No S are H. Therefore, no S are A." In the fallacy known as _____, the conclusion is simply a rewording of a premise. argument that concludes one thing is the cause of other things (b) Identify Benefits What was 1.a set of considerations in favor of a conclusion Which of the following commits the fallacy of popular appeal? Diagram any particular propositions c. S, If a proposition refers to every member of a class, the quantity is _______________ akanas7khan The best description of the goal of analyzing arguments was to determine the strength of the arguments. a. It's not a duck, In a modus tollens argument, what is the diction of the second premise? 1.tone of voice Drawing a general conclusion from a sample that is too small. Argument; attempts to persuade by providing a line of reasoning's and a conclusion. argument that we should not believe a claim because only a stupid person would accept it b. Amy claims that the rise in crime in her hometown has been due to an earlier influx of immigrants from a certain country. 3. 1.They all claim that morality is relative. Which of the following of the following is true of the preceding argument? 3.a moral theory that claims that the standards of a culture determine what is right or wrong for members of that culture The psychological phenomenon known as selective exposure occurs when people choose source material and authorities that reflect what they already believe (Marks & Kammann, 1980, p. 176). Fill in the blank w/h the missing premise to make this a modus ponens syllogism Ethics Milestones (2023) - Tutorials Magnet The student is summarizing information from a 2001 article by Gary E. R. Schwartz, Linda G. S. Russek, Lonnie A. Nelson, and Christopher Barentsen. Why not? a. 4.None of these answers is correct. The physical world can be studied without bias on the part of scientists. Description; statements or assertions that describe that someone thinks ought to be done. b. I won't master calculus, Why type of syllogism is based on inclusion or exclusion among classes? b. c. Two overlapping circles with the area where they overlap shaded a. Ethics is concerned with right and wrong. d. An empty circle, c. Two overlapping circles with the area where they overlap shaded, Are universal propositions characterized in a Venn diagram with shading or with an X? "We need to turn more towards clean energy. Winning arguments Xio and Chan are brothers." Which of the following arguments commits the fallacy of appeal to ignorance? PART A: Which of the following best describes Terrance Powderly's main A skilled critical thinker relies on ethnocentrism, Rather than being passively carried through life, critical thinkers are. "All mammals are warm blooded. 4.All these answers are correct, Which of the following methods do scientists consider the only reliable one for obtaining knowledge? The correct option is (B). Which of the following is true? 3.hyperbole 1.provide sufficient evidence for a conclusion 1.True The student is quoting from page 26 of an article by Peter Greasley published in 2000. 3.drawing a general conclusion from a randomly selected sample The argument has a true conclusion because it has at least one true premise d. 1, What is the last step when using a Venn diagram to test the validity of a categorical syllogism? A.The last in a series of arguments supporting the central argument of the passage is presenteD. 4.All these answers are correct. Dacolias (1998) noted, "Cold reading is a technique used by tarot card readers, psychics, palm readers, astrologers, and even con men to get people to believe that the cold reader knows all about them, even though they have never met" (para. Unlock to view answer. 4.testable explanations. a. b. b. "I only beef and salmon in the freezer. Which of the following is a possible negative consequence of stereotyping? c. A chain argument Cross out any misspelled word, and write the correctly spelled word above it. Which of the following is an instance of snob appeal? c. Denying the antecedent True 11 Quiz Critical Thinking, McGraw-Hill Ch. "All men are moral. 2.a hypothesis Follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it See Page 1. 2. identify the authors claim 3.the fallacy of division 4.None of these answers is correct. c. Contextual b. the argument has an unstated premise Argus Panoptes - Wikipedia This is the first citation of the source in the paper. According to the authors, why is it inaccurate to assume there were a large number of "dial-turners" the night of the incident? If we have breakfast, then er don't have to stop at Dunkin' Donuts. Which of the following is a conflict between moral values? Sound 1.A random sample of people is always best for use in a poll. Fallacy of irrelevance No, its valid but not sound Which best describes how the electoral college affects the executive 2. Yes, it is modus ponens The National Science Board (2000) cautioned that believers in paranormal phenomena are dangerously distanced from reality: "Their beliefs may indicate an absence of critical thinking skills necessary not only for informed decision making in the voting booth and other civic venues (for example, jury duty), but also for making wise choices needed for everyday living" (p. 12). "because" c. Link argument Which of the following BEST describes a "claim" in an argument? 4.They cannot help us to rank our moral concerns. False, Which of the following best describes cultural relativism? His mother-in-laws decision is final she will not sell her house this year. 4.None of these answers is correct, Which of the following is a moral value? 1.sympathy (empathy) Spent is an interactive game created by McKinney that challenges you to manage your money, raise a child and make it through the month getting paid minimum wage after a stretch of unemployment. *The term that appears 2nd in the conclusion, "Some M are not N. All P are N. Therefore, some P are not M." What is the middle in this argument? Arguing that if something is accepted in one case, then it must be accepted in all cases. Evaluating an Argument. argument that God must exist since the universe would not exist without a first cause d. To do, "Anything that is an apple is a fruit". The list of references contains another article, "The Man Who Loves to Bust Quacks," also written by Jaroff and also published in 2001. Which of the following displays the informal fallacy of appeal to pity? 4.Your moral reasoning cannot benefit from listening to your conscience, Kant's categorical imperative is a moral principle that requires us to act only in ways that everyone could accept our acting, so the only actions it permits are actions that everyone could perform. english midterm Flashcards | Quizlet What type of reasoning did Veronica use? d. SPM, "College students are reckless drivers". Translate the claim into standard form 4: (Children who read 5 or less minutes a day are more likely to score lower on reading tests.) a. Particular affirmative d. Yes, its valid and sound, A deductive argument is _______________ if it is not possible for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false C the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words, i used this to makke sure my answers were right and it was rigth. "Some fibers are not natural" Reliable polls must use a sample that is representative of the entire population. The form of the proposition 2.careful reflection The fallacy of _____ reduces responses to complex issues to an either/or choice. d. Undistributed middle, "If Xio and Chan are brothers, they will have DNA traits in common. Cluster diagram Universal affirmative The goal of ethics is to justify your own behavior. Which of the following is true of inductive arguments? Determine if the diagram makes the conclusion true Which of the followiny best describes an argument the executives made to support their decision and the cognitive bias that is tied to it? Nonmoral values, on the other hand, are goal oriented. Urban Ministries of Durham serves over 6000 people every year who struggle with poverty and homelessness. She used imagination and spatial-temporal reasoning. Therefore, some professors are not authors." 1.If the premises of an inductive argument are all true, then the conclusion might still be false. 20 points QUESTION 7 1.Order the following inductive arguments from strongest (best) to weakest (worse). This argument is an example of __________________ 4- *Reading for 20 minutes every day exposes students to nearly 1.8 million words each school year* and *Children who read 5 or less minutes a day are more likely to score lower on reading tests* argument that some claim must be false because no one can prove that it is true Kara is coming over, and she is allergic to fish. Previously they hadn't won a World Series in over 100 years. They are governed by people not elected by. Intro to Ethics - Unit 1 Milestone Flashcards | Quizlet 1.A man argues that you should believe that he is rich because, if you do not, he will punch you in the face. 2.When science and religion conflict, we should side with science. Argus Panoptes ( ), guardian of the heifer-nymph Io and son of Arestor(According to Asclepiades Argus panoptes was a son of Inachus, and according to Cercops he was a son of Argus and Ismene, daughter of Asopus;Acusilaus says that he was earth-born(authochthon, born from Gaia). d. An argument by analogy, Which of the following best describes a hypothetical syllogism? 3. confidence. a. Which of the following is used to interpret the communications of others? a. An argument that is psychologically appealing but fails to provide adequate logical support for its conclusion Which of the following best describes an argument that commits the informal fallacy of equivocation? Which of the following best describes argument mappingcng vic A snake is a mammal. Which of the following best describes the function of the first a. What do you mean by the argument? Therefore, we should pursue solar. 3. "proposition" ", Premise 1: If A the B. 3 b. 1.It is simple. ~ Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads False, Moral values are values that benefit others as well as yourself. d. Universal, *The major premise <-----------> Throughout the selection, Chaucer uses physical details-eyes, hair, clothing-to help develop his characters. "We must enforce the death penalty. Choosing appropriate evidence to support your argument will depend mostly on your personal interests and preferences. Which of the following correctly describes an argument? 1) An emotional Tags: Question 2 . 4.All these answers are correct. 2.the ability to ignore the influence of emotions when reasoning 3.the ability to accurately perceive, appraise, and express emotions 4.the ability to use the fear and self-interest of others to make them believe what you would like them to believe Affirming the consequent In the Food Industry Case, the executives fell for a number of cognitive bias traps in their decision making process. 1.dualism ~ = = XxMeowxX ~ a. d. one of the premises is false, "The crime was committed at the gentlemen's club. b. b. PREMISE: All fathers are men 3. 3.merely provide some evidence for a conclusion 2.Generalizations never provide evidence for their conclusions. The student is quoting from page 29 of an article published in 2000 by Paul Kurtz. c. Validity "A fetus is a type of human person. . Have a wonderful day! A when the conclusion necessarily follows B when the conclusion is very likely to follow. 4.Women never communicate in order to simply relate information. 1.Morton Winkler Which of the following best describes an informal fallacy? 2.A good definition provides all of the essential characteristics of what is being defined. 2: identify the authors claim Why? Kurtz (2000) argued that mediums claiming to communicate with the dead were aided at the end of the twentieth century by mass media exposure and a credulous American public (pp. d. Two completely shaded, overlapping circles, c. Two overlapping circles with an X in the area where they overlap, Does a Venn diagram for a particular claim demonstrates what in a class or what does not exist in a class? Best Answer An argument is a rationale in which the reason presents evidence in support of a claim made in the conclusion. The information collected in the Freshman Survey is used to make which of the following types of argument? 3.styles of communicating An argument that relies on a change of meaning due to focusing on one word or phrase inappropriately. 4. Also, you should apply reason why forming an argument in order to make it sound sane and plausible for everyone to understand and perhaps agree with you. Wind, solar, and hydro are all clean alternatives. Biesta (2007) lays out a careful yet devastating argument against basing all educational policy on what we call "evidencebased research," meaning not only empirical research, but experimental-based research following the model of randomized controlled field trials of research-based medicine. We don't need to appeal to the existence of God to explain the features of the natural world. Which of the following can be a barrier to effective communication? Min ph khi ng k v cho gi cho cng vic. b. a. X Is there enough evidence for the claim? Unit 1 MCQ Flashcards | Quizlet b. Purchase? 1.two people angrily disagreeing with one another over an important issue 1.the process of clarifying what you mean when you make a claim 2.the use of reason and evidence to support a conclusion Which is the following is true of polls? 1 or 2 B.A viewpoint is presented which qualifies one presented earlier in the passagE. Some people required to take the exam are Freshman 2.Arthur Lupia 3.seeking only information that confirms the opinion you hold 4.ignoring information that would disconfirm your opinion, bringing up information that is completely irrelevant to the point at hand, One strategy for avoiding informal fallacies is to have a generally skeptical attitude 4.None of these answers is true. A. Sarcastic B. Which of the following sentences would be the best thesis - BRAINLY In "The Plea for Eight Hours" (1890), Powderly makes an argument in favour of the eight-hour workday. event that brings about a change or effect, an argument that concludes one thing is the cause of other things. c.) The West Wing is my favorite show. 1.the moral theory that claims you should do what is most useful for you 2.False. a. To be d. The argument is sound, McGraw-Hill Ch. Just 20 years later, American, It is thought out and convincing. which of the following examples best describes using an inclinied plane What statement best describes an argument against public authorities? 4.Religious beliefs can be based on faith, while remaining consistent with the evidence. The second premise a) An argument that guarantees the truth of its conditions b) An argument that claims that something is the cause of something else c)An argument that claims a group is likely to have some characteristic on the grounds that a subset of that group has that characteristic d) None of the answers are correct b. <br> Organized because I firmly believe that in any successful initiative, the answers to the questions 'what', 'when', 'how' and 'who', should be very clear. 19. Who among the following is a political scientist who maintains that public disbelief in a man-made cause of global warming in the face overwhelming scientific evidence is caused by the inability of scientists to clearly explain that evidence? a. D Authors or speakers use rhetorical devices to strengthen arguments answer choices . I got 4/4 with these so you should too. Its conclusion necessarily follows from the premises a. Evil Lives Here 2023 S20E6 | Evil Lives Here 2023 S20E6 | By Jason ADOV Therefore, some S are not I." 3.body language 1.A correlation always indicates a causal relationship. b. argument from elimination 2.words spoken b. An inductive argument that offers support for its conclusion a. I have a cough Contest entries are subject to the \rule {2cm}{0.15mm} of the judges. In his view (and the view of most ancient Greek philosophers), this involves thinking about character traits that are necessary for us to be our best. Therefore, if you went to the store last night, we don't have to stop at Dunkin' Donuts." False, Which of the following best describes an argument? If I go to Washington D. next weekend, then I'll get you a souvenir. b. Categorical syllogism a. 3.We may get a clearer view of the stereotyped group. Therefore, he is not a dentist." a. Modus tollens b. d. affirming the consequent. b. Specific B.You would trace an argument by seeing if the reasons and evidence are relevant in their support of, a It includes an explanation of the author's opinion. 4.All these answers are correct. 2. tolerance. c. No fallacy Thank you all for the help Which of the following best describes when an argument is inductively forceful or strong? 2.critical thinking skills c. "All" in front of either of the terms (2001) insisted that the study had eliminated fraud and coincidence as possible explanations for the success of the mediums tested. Translate the claim into standard form A False. All the premises are true 3.Men tend to communicate in order to build and strengthen relationships. b. Modus tollens In this essay, I will show you why we must ban smoking in all public places B. I think we should ban smoking. 2.Both premises and conclusions in an argument are propositions. 3.Polls are a type of generalization. Which of the following best describes the idea of operationalizing concepts? Which of the following is NOT a rhetorical device? 1.Assertive communicators attempt to get what they want by controlling others. 2. spatial-temporal reasoning b. false dilemma In the Food Industry Case, the executives fell for a | What type of argument is this? 3.The Earth is the center of the universe. When the conclusion necessarily follows When the conclusion is very likely to follow When the argument is valid When the argument is sound 6 points QUESTION 2 1. "If you take that road, you'll end up lost. Therefore, America is not going to maintain its status in the economic world". False, Which of the following is a proposition? 1.spiritual forces 3.the moral theory that claims that you should never violate the rights of others a. Which fallacy is avoided by careful attention to grammar? 1.bickering over an issue (scrutinize). 1.a moral theory In Aristotle's view, if we fail to have these sorts of character traits, we cannot be happy. "Their reasoning is sound, I must admit." Which of the following best defines the bold phrase? I have gone to my favorite restaurant every week for the last three months, and they always have my favorite appetizer. 904 views, 11 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 10 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Jason ADOV: Evil Lives Here 2023 S20E6 It includes an explanation of the author's opinion. 2.None of these answers is correct. c. The counterclaim The article has numbered paragraphs but no page numbers. "mostly likely". argument that you should vote for Smith on the grounds that if you do not, Smith will have you killed, an argument that you should vote for Smith on the grounds that a movie star has endorsed him, A famous person appearing in an ad for a product completely unrelated to the person's fame or expertise commits a fallacy of popular appeal. Argument by elimination Business Essentials Objective 2.00 Business E, popular culture in the 1930s and then 1950s, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Comps study guide: Ethics: new definition of. You may not need to change the form that is given. Which of the following is an instance of snob appeal? c. All the premises are false Premise 2: ___________. 2- identify the authors claim Premise 1: If it quake, it is a duck. An argument that involves an erroneous inference from the parts to the whole by drawing a conclusion about the entire set from the characteristics of the members of that set or group. 2.Individuals tend to reason better in familiar contexts. An argument with 3 premises d. The same term for both, Which of the following is true of deductive arguments? d. Modus tollens, Which type of argument is made up of 3 or more conditional propositions? What type of deductive syllogism includes an "if then" statement? The student is quoting from page 29 of an article published in 2000 by Paul Kurtz. Denying the antecedent d. All of these are equally of concern to logic, Which of the following is a type of deductive argument? I would also be happy checking answers. c. No horse are plants Which of the following best describes the way the last paragraph functions in the context of the passage? b. Consider the following argument: I have brushed my teeth every day for the last 35 years. This can take many forms, including a hypothesis, a question, or, more commonly, a statement of the aims or objectives of the research. 3.measurable facts Youd be a fool to miss it. Killing or euthanizing a human person is morally wrong. 2.There are objects that must be studied. Waiting for Godot (/ d o / GOD-oh) is a play by Samuel Beckett in which two characters, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), engage in a variety of discussions and encounters while awaiting the titular Godot, who never arrives. a. A deductive argument with 2 premises, at least 1 of which is a hypothetical claim a. 1.a passive spirit Fortunately, the legal protection worked. McGraw-Hill Ch. 6 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet Answer: C . Which of the following best describes an argument in the context of critical thinking? a. c. Hasty generalization 1.Deductive arguments typically contain words and phrases such as "probably" and "it is likely the case." b. 4.a moral theory that claims that moral truth is relative to the individual, a moral theory that claims that moral truth is relative to the individual. b. 1.since 1. reflective skepticism. Making an assumption that something is true simply because most people believe it to be true is an example of the _____ form of the popular appeal fallacy. A logical appeal based on facts and reason (even though an argument CAN be based on emotions and interests, or something you truly believe, and can be biased), Which of the following correctly describes an argument? 3.a moral argument Although this seems like I am being rude I'm just simply making sure that you guys aren't cheating because it will not do you any good. c. Deny the antecedent b. b. Any argument with false premises is fallacious. 3.attempts at explanation based on observation and testing Then, add the necessary end mark for given sentence. b. 2.herefore" Not all bears are grizzlies b. An argument that fails because it relies on words that are ambiguous. Retrieved 2008-01-29. 4.None of these answers is correct. 2.being aware of your own communication style 1.None of these answers is correct. Particular, Determine if the following argument is valid. a. 1.popularity 4.a personal interpretation of an issue, the use of reason and evidence to support a conclusion, Which of the following is a conclusion indicator? An argument is strong and the premises are all true.docx Finance questions and answers. No, its valid but not sound Invalid 1.nonverbal language Jay knows all about Severus Snape. . If most people believe something, then you should believe it too. d. Modus tollens, Which go the following describes whether the claim applies to all members of the group or a certain subset? 4.therefore, Which of the following should any good argument do? 4.attempting to provide rational support for a claim with a set of premises. The student is summarizing information that begins on page 29 and continues on page 30 in a 2000 article by Paul Kurtz. b. Which of the following best describes an argument made by de Gante in 3.Science and religion cannot conflict because they are concerned with different aspects of reality. True A correlation is when two events occur together at a rate higher than mere chance would predict. 4. Therefore, killing or euthanizing a fetus is wrong." Truth 3.a moral theory that claims that pleasure and pain are the subject of all moral thought So, don't take that road" 1.sarcasm c. Argument based on natural security, What type of argument is this? a. d. Modus ponens. Sentence, Viewpoint. ^ * "". All mammals are dogs Which of The following best describes a historical argument? 1.drawing a general conclusion from a sample that is too small 1.Gender does not influence communication styles. C. Because of the negative long-term health effects of secondhand smoke on the human body, it is vital that the government In a fallacious argument, the conclusion does not follow from the premises, regardless of whether the premises happen to be true. "Not" in front of either of the terms c. Diagram any universal propositions, a. (understood/understand), Four ways in which the rule of law could protect community members whose private property was damaged during a protest action, is being lonley and isolated a common issue that is with among other individuals in a similar mental state as lennie.