Stefan obliges. The Salvatore brothers have arrived at Willoughby and try to find where the girls could be. Damon orders Tyler to commune with the Traveler inside him to find Markos and tells Stefan that they're going to take their ex-girlfriend on a secret trip to keep her and Stefan safe from the Travelers. He tells her he had to move on after two months of searching. Stefan says he wants to have dinner with Caroline that night. Elena says that he's bluffing but Stefan reminds her that he also had his switch flipped in this town too and he knows where to take someone to have a good time. Caroline and Stefan are talking privately as they walk to a separate section, where Sloan and the other Travelers are. While they wait they take room in hotel so they could shower, and Katherine flirts with him and then kisses him until Stefan breaks it, telling her that it is wrong, because she just broke up with Damon. She is taking it very hard and crumbling right before Stefan's eyes. For them, she gave her blood to Kai. Stefan is visibly angered at her approach and demands 'how many more ways is there for you to rip my heart out?'. Stefan hangs up; telling Caroline and the hybrid guards that they don't need the sword anymore. Stefan the goes out to Elena while Damon traps Katherine in the tomb. Damon thought he hadn't been trying, but Stefan admitted that he actually had and Mason was unnaturally strong. It takes him three tries of running into the door to open it. Underestimating his new-found vampire strength, Stefan threw Giuseppe against the wall, causing him to accidentally be stabbed by the wooden stake in the stomach. After Johnathan had left, Stefan went inside to talk to his father one last time, who was shocked to see that Stefan was "alive." After that Stefan calls Klaus to come to the Salvatore boarding house where the original hybrid meets with Caroline and starts pissing her off. Caroline later freaks out about which book to pick for her mom's last literary experience, but Stefan reminds her that it's all of the days that lead up to your last one that matter more. Caroline and Stefan have a moment on the porch before Caroline tells her mom about her weekend experiment. ", In Before Sunset, Stefan appears the most upbeat he has been all season. Later, Stefan helps remove peculiar wooden bullets from Tyler's chest. Without memory Stefan wanted to feed on people, and theorized that the reason he had lost control was an attempt to escape the constant feelings of guilt and responsibility he bore after turning Damon but that would no longer be a problem since he didn't have those terrible memories; interestingly enough, Memories Stefan had once confirmed this. When Lexi brings up that Stefan is missing his chance to take part in Elena tacking the cure or not, Stefan tells Lexi that the cure is not their biggest problem as the sire bond is gone and Elena's emotions are back on and now she knows what she really feels for Damon. He start talking about Damon and says that he finally had everything he wanted, that he was happy and that he should be there, he is sad because Damon and Lexi are gone for good, Stefan puts his head in between his legs and starts to cry, Caroline wraps her arms around him without saying a word. Stefan then lights a Japanese floating lantern in memory of his Uncle Zach, his best friend Lexi and for Alaric. They share a romantic moment as they kiss and watch the sunrise together. He said he learned French at his mother's knee. After his mother's passing, Stefan lived with his father and his brother Damon. He tells him he and Lily had a deal and that now she has Caroline. In the end, he was the one to kill her. Lily tells him that she went to Europe with a gentleman friend; Stefan laughs at this because he doesn't trust her type of man. Shady Stefan, Saint Stefan, Superman, Beefcake, Stefan: The Hero, Fabio, Hero Stefan, Hero Hairdo, Noble Stefan, Stef, Buzzkill Bob, Baby Bro, Brother, Lily's Little Angel, Mad Max, Baby, Ebenezer, Pal, Bunny Snacking Pacifist, Alaric and Stefan (Friends/Frenemies/Former Allies). Stefanie Salvatore is the heretic daughter of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, as well the younger twin sister of Stefan Salvatore. She describes the sensation, that it feels like he is touching every single nerve on her body. Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries | CharacTour He then asks her why she did it. In Handle with Care, Stefan is located in the cabin of Qetsiyah, she tells him that is the day that Silas will die because he has taken the cure and that she will kill him, when Qetsiyah tries to leave the cabin they realize they are trapped by a spell cast by Silas. He's worried about Ivy making herself a target for Tripp if she doesn't learn how to control herself. All of a sudden Stefan takes a deep breath and opens his eyes. At the rave, Stefan offers Caroline a shot. As a vampire over 170 years old, this makes Stefan one of the oldest vampires shown throughout the series. Damon was ready for a fight, but Stefan refused, knowing this was what could tear them apart with Katherine on the loose. She adds that they're crashing Bonnie's college visit, as the professor who took over her Grams' classes teaches there and invited her. Another trait he kept was his attraction to Elena. Caroline ask what is going on and Stefan says that nothing. Characters / The Vampire Diaries Universe Stefan Salvatore Tyler takes them to the Lockwood Cellar where he tells the hybrids to keep them down there until they're ready to bring in Klaus, Stefan tries to persuade him that it isn't about revenge for them, to no avail. A flyer is made and news articles are wrote where the deputy slaughter was an accident. Stefan says that she'll still live her life sired to Damon. Stefan tells Klaus about the Heretics, the siphoning twins and Caroline giving birth to the them. Stefan keeps an eye on Sheriff Forbes and he is approached by Elena. Stefan and Caroline are at the Whitmore party babysitting Nora and Mary Louise. The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get, starts from where the previous episode ended. Stefan, at this point, shows just how far he has fallen. Stefan pleaded for her to stop him, then reminded Liam about their talk earlier and asked him where he was. Qetsiyah reveals that he will wake up in time and then mentions to Damon how his relationship with Elena is doomed. Damon asks Stefan if he's in love, before seeing that Stefan isn't because is he was in love wouldn't need to ask Damon about it, then advises him to bail now before Caroline gets hurt, just not today, "give her today". While Jeremy sketches the tattoo, Klaus finishes telling Stefan the story about the Five, and how they daggered all of the Original siblings. They bring Colin to the hospital for Jo to examine, but she's feeling less than adequate, having just failed to revive a plant. Stefan explains that Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, but he's also supernatural so if he takes the cure and dies he'll be stuck on the other side. Realizing that there is no food or electricity, he goes and starts up the generator. Later, when Stefan regains consciousness, Damon attacks him and Stefan is unconscious again. When Damon turned Vicki Donovan into a vampire, Stefan tried to teach her the ability of self control but she couldn't handle it. Elena stays at Stefan's old apartment, hides from Klaus and Stefan who hides from Elena before he takes a wine. As Katherine see that her daughter is gone for good, she tries to escape but Damon stops her. They're completely out of the loop that their friends flipped the vamp switch. However, not too long afterwards he began to display remorse for the horrible person he at some point seemed to be, openly calling himself a monster and admitting that he even scared himself once he nearly killed a innocent girl while thinking he could handle it. Matt then tells Stefan that he wishes that he would stop saving him, that Stefan should have let him drown and saved Elena. It works. Klaus then apologizes to Rebekah, though somewhat backhandedly, and Rebekah replies that she is willing to take his apology under consideration. Whilst drinking and laughing, Stefan reveals his plans to join the war and seems surprised, yet joyful when Damon requests to join, and says he will speak to his C.O before leaving to get another round of drinks. He is a protagonist, and narrator of the series. She tries to thrust it in his heart while Stefan is trying to use his strength to keep it from piercing him. She starts to choke Damon with magic but Stefan appears behind her and she stops. The guy reminds Stefan that he put his brother in the hospital. Three years later Stefan is frantically trying to wake Damon up. Later, Rebekah re-enters the library and compels them into playing 'truth or dare', where she dares Elena into telling Stefan the truth about Damon. Damon & Stefan use Aaron as a leverage to save Elena from Wes. For a brief time, Stefan was romantically involved with the Original, Rebekah Mikaelson, and shared a close friendship with her brother, Niklaus. They start talking and joking about Caroline, and her delusional positivity and Control-freakiness , Stefan says that her Control-freakiness never really bugged him, Stefan say that if Caroline Forbes were there right now, they would both be laughing. Katherine adds that when she says friend she means romantically involved friend to which they all act out disgusted. He wants to celebrate her first feed, but Elena is less enthusiastic, reminding him that it kind of made her sick. She brought him coffee and said that ever since he lost his memories she feels like she has lost a friend and she wants them to start clean. He then calls Klaus and tells him that, despite fulfilling his promise and undoing the compulsions, he took everything from Stefan. A mysterious man walks around the corner, announcing that he is Kai's father. They find the place where all the herbs and plants are supposed to be growing. Klaus finally answers cryptically that they need to solve the "puzzle" which seems to have disappeared. Katherine tells him she would help him recover to Damon, not for Damon or for herself, only for Stefan, she hugs him and then Caroline arrives and interrupt them, Stefan and Caroline stare at each other. Stefan likes to give advice, help people, and comfort others who need comforting and support. In the season four finale, Stefan was heartbroken at Elena's choice, but he also admitted that he was happy for Damon. Stefan tells that the other side is falling apart and he think it's allowing Enzo to mess with them. Bonnie is talking with Enzo about their last hope lost, Bonnie looks behind Enzo and sees Stefan standing there, Enzo also turns around, but sees nothing, she says his name and Enzo is surprised by that, Bonnie can't believe what is happening and she approaches to Stefan's ghost, Stefan begs her to tell him that she has figured out a way to bring them all back but Bonnie tells him that she lost it, Stefan is sad for this and then he touches her shoulders and passes through her to the other side. While he's trying to get it out Katherine goes behind him and pushes his head in the vervained water while she manages to get out the cure. He overheard his father and Johnathan Gilbert discussing the vampires being captured and destroyed, and that his father wanted to keep secret that his sons were vampire sympathizers, preferring they be known for dying nobly and bravely in the fight against the vampires. He comforts her, reassuring her that she'll get through this. In Live Through This, Stefan is lying in bed with his arm around Caroline. Stefan then goes and helps Caroline pack up her house and then goes and packs up the grill. The Vampire Diaries presents Stefan Salvatore as virtuous, so it's fair to question why he became a bloodthirsty Ripper vampire once turned. Caroline told Elena about Ivy, but doesn't know she's dead. Supernatural information The original brother however says that if anything happens to Katherine he'll descent upon Elena and he hangs up. Male In Stefan's Diaries: Bloodlust, it is shown that Stefan originally acted like Damon when they were turned, feeding on whomever, whenever, wherever, with no regards for the consequences. Elena rushed towards the door and out and when Brady came out in pursuit, Stefan pulled his heart out, literally. Stefan responds that he knows that but he doesn't want to be the one to break it to her, at least not until Bonnie is safe and Damon comes back to use the sire bond and convince her that everything is going to be okay. After making viewers think Damon ( Ian Somerhalder) compelled Stefan ( Paul Wesley) into letting the eldest Salvatore sacrifice himself to save Mystic Falls, "I Was Feeling Epic" delivered the . Later, Stefan and Damon arrive in New Orleans and Stefan says he hasn't been back since 1942. Seasons later, after Stefan sacrificed his life to help save Mystic Falls from hellfire, they are reunited in peace, in death. Stefan is saddened when he hears that Elena chose Damon. Stefan is concerned that if they do that Klaus and Rebekah will go after them and Elena responds that in this case Stefan will use the dagger on the original sister and Bonnie will be able to deal with Klaus. Stefan asks what happened to the guy that said that Elena should embrace being a vampire. and Klaus tells him to let her go as he will sacrifice everything good with her for his brother. He sees a small box in it and thinks that this might be the cure. Brady shot Stefan in the chest, probably not hitting his heart and left Tyler with a gun and a stake to watch over him while Brady took Elena. He easily recognized it once he came to school that it was the presence of Elena. Originally a human, Stefan was turned by a vampire woman named Katherine, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Elena. However they manage to find Katherine near a small diner. Later, Stefan tells Caroline he made a list of how loving her changed his life. In the episode 1912, it was revealed that this was the year that Stefan went into "ripper" mode again. Caroline tracks down Stefan in the woods. He points out that Caroline is good at being a vampire, and she insists that it's because Stefan helped her when she first turned. I don't think you can be both". Lily stabs Stefan in the hand and snacks on the waiter. He calls Elena, but when she picks up he remains silent, Elena realizes who is on the phone. Stefan in the novels speaks fluent Italian but is also fluent in English. Stefan is a very ancient descendant of the world's first immortal being and man. After it is revealed that Alaric is going to let himself die, Stefan watches Elena break down and asks her to come with him. Just as Elena was getting there, Stefan asked what he could do to make her stop. Stefan arrives at Alaric's loft to meet Damon and Elena, and explains his plan to have one of Klaus' hybrids enter the Grill first, as they are immune to werewolf venom. He had a very selfless, idealistic approach to love. Stefan tries to make it sound fun by suggesting they see the world, just the two of them. Stefan now upset decides to dump Silas' body and he tells Damon that he is not happy about Elena but he is not not happy for them either. Stefan finally meets with Caroline, they arrive at some abandoned train station, they're talking about Damon and Elena and as Damon is going to tell her that he killed Aaron, Enzo then arrives and interrupts them. Stefan's dependence on Damon due to his newborn vampire-ism and heightened emotions was example by a time right after he transitioned and then persuaded an unwilling Damon to complete his own transformation into a vampire. It turned out that Oscar had stashed Julian's body at a casket emporium. Stefan agrees and goes to Rebekah who is preparing for the 80s decade dance. Stefan responds saying that all the time and energy Klaus had put into trying to make Stefan and Damon hate each other has actually brought them closer. Rebekah resists, so Stefan asks Rebekah to forget about helping Klaus and to just help him instead. He reaches into Stefan's chest cavity and pulls out his heart. It is there that Stefan confesses his regrets about Elena not feeding in order to complete her transition. Although Stefan was initially optimistic and happy that he and Damon were going to spend eternity together, Damon had shattered Stefan's optimism and hopes when Damon told Stefan he promised him a lifetime of misery. Their first and only stop is at a house Stefan lived in during an attempt to start over. In I Know What You Did Last Summer, Stefan have been in the safe for three months in the lake. They are interrupted by Damon and Bonnie. She seems disappointed that after everything, Stefan still protects Elena and offers to take every memory of Elena away. Stefan finds Enzo who is about to stake Elena, they start fighting and moving away from the place. He was always willing to save people, especially those who need saving the most at a particular time. When Stefan sees her like this he asks Damon to help her. Caroline has given Stefan pivotal emotional support to the point where they now have a great friendship. Caroline says that they can't compel them to leave because the locals are on vervain from the water supply and she asks what should they do. The Gilberts' car had submerged deep into the water under the bridge, where Elena and her parents were facing death by drowning. Because of this, Stefan often feels immense guilt and remorse if he hurts, harms or kills a human. She writes a note to her daughter Nadia. Elena, Damon and Alaric later formulate a plan to catch Stefan off guard and lock him up, to try and restore him to his normal self. He attended Harvard during the 1970's. The truth of the vampire bloodlines is revealed and Stefan goes to rescue Damon, offering Klaus the remaining white oak stakes in exchange for Damon's freedom. In The Last Dance, Stefan attends the 60s Decade Dance with Elena after Klaus starts to send his disturbing messages. Stefan concludes that they are finally on the same page about something. In I'll Remember, Elena reveals that after four months, Stefan left everything behind to find a witch that can contact the dead, however the lead came up empty and he has now moved on and is now living in Savannah, Georgia, works as a mechanic and also has a new girlfriend named Ivy. So Elena decides to impersonate Katherine and go to the meeting while Rebekah stays with the older doppelgnger. Bonnie tries to write a message to Damon but Enzo grabs her phone, Enzo calls Damon and asks him for Stefan's diaries , Damon says that Stefan burned his diaries, and then Enzo says that he will kill Stefan because he was the one who killed his girl in the 60s, Damon tries to tell him that Stefan wasn't a Ripper in that decade but Enzo hangs up the phone. Elena finally agrees to skip the rest of the school day and have fun, and leaves to go home and change. Physical appearance He has jumped naked into the Trevi Fountain and he has also got drunk on a tour to the Statue of Liberty. Nora and Mary Louise appear, along with Lily and Beau. When Stefan wakes, Rayne has him tied to the news anchor's chair. Characters: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore (mentioned), Matt Donovon, Tyler Lockwood, Elijah Mikaelson, Niklaus Mikaelson, Lockwood!Reader . He knows that's the mark of the Phoenix Sword and angrily asks if he made an enemy out of Rayna. Stefan returns to Klaus, who has extracted the wolf pack information from Ray. He remembers Damon promising Stefan a lifetime of misery, and says he'll be the one to deliver it. he pushes Stefan, they begin to discuss and Caroline sneaks behind him and attempts to snap his neck, but he catches her in the act. He pulls a vampire off Damon and asks what the hell happened, looking confused when Damon tells him the vampire kissed him. Still, he was strongly intrigued by her and decided to pose as a new transfer student at Mystic Falls High School to get to know her. After she leaves, Stefan goes over and talks to the guy who was eyeing him earlier. Stefan loves football and is very good at it. Flashback again and Stefan is taking Valerie to Lily's grave. Damon turns the table on Stefan by telling him that it is just the same as ruining his relationship with Caroline. Stefan nods and begins to cry. Rebekah points out that this will be difficult, as the tattoo is invisible, but Klaus has already solved this problem: Jeremy can see the tattoo, and Klaus has one of his minions bring Jeremy into the room.