You can also do a few read now books to get your stats up. Your coffee is rapidly cooling, you have a conference call scheduled in about 15 minutes, and youve got to look at all of these goddamn requests. 6 of the Best Professional Bio Examples I've Ever Seen - LinkedIn (LogOut/ That 80% figure is no joke; authors and publishers rarely approve reviewers with spotty feedback histories. Your Bio can help to give publishers insight into your role and how you can best work with them. For example, if youre a blogger with your own regular newsletter, you might mention a relevant book to your own subscribers. Also does having a profile pic help? This is often to create anticipation, raise awareness of an upcoming book, and to get initial impressions from dedicated readers. NetGalley members are always curious about how they can get publishers to approve more of their requests. And youre done. A little bit of everything! Also make sure that you have the right categories in your profile. I fixed mine so its all good! I blog about all sorts of topics in books , The Greatest Book Blogging Myths Ive Encountered, Real Publicist Advice On How To Get Review Copies Approved, #NewBloggers 101 comes back! If you post reviews on your website or blog, indicate which is the primary place you . Whats the thing you want to see? Edit: putting Self or N/A under company is totally fine. and thank you!! Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. I just wanted to make a sort of follow up post after the anti-piracy thread regarding Netgalley. Do you run a book club? All Rights Reserved. If youre a Reviewer, clearly state where your reviews appear. Im also experiencing a major change in my personal life that is the worst negative possible I suppose. Going to work on my Profiled this weekend. Im so excited to start using NetGalley! Sign In to NetGalley | NetGalley When a publisher looks at your Profile, they can see the list of Categories that youve chosen, which means you dont need to worry about listing them in your Bio. Your reviews can help an unknown author find their audience. This site uses cookies. Narrowing it down shows publishers youre serious, and improves your own experience as well; this way, youll only read genres you actually like! Welcome! There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. Im in no way saying its perfect, but its worked pretty well for me with 158 books approved so far Hopefully, you can craft your own bio based on these recommendations! subheading="Find out the answer. Do you host any online reading events? Some publishers dont provide a lot of information either, so its been mostly guessing what they are looking for in general until my bio looked somewhat decent. Your Bio can help to give publishers insight into your role and how you can best work with them. for more insight into what you should include in your Profile based on your member type. I also started through just posting on Goodreads, but I eventually got twitter and Instagram devoted for books. Do you run a book club? When a valid ALA, ALIA, ABA or BA member number is added to a NetGalley account, you will see the relevant logo next to their name when they request a title or when you view their Profile. I have purchase a few of your books over the years, but lately I have noticed that I have purchased several of your books. Your email address will not be published. Including important stats about your platforms, such as average monthly pageviews to your blog or social media reach, is helpful for publishers. I need a bio. Im getting my MLS now! or Im on the teen selection group at my local bookstore! or I have a blog that has 2,5000 followers!. XD (But theres the age thing where you have to be eighteen but Im not but I know some people who are younger than 18 and are still on Netgalley??? I went to Malta, lovely a sunny! What a publisher does then is to look at a persons profile. When a publisher looks at your Profile, they can already see all of the Categories that youve selected (under the About You tab), so theres no need to list them again in your Bio. As you go, make any necessary updates. By continuing to use the site, you are agreeing to our. If youre not comfortable sharing your own photo, use the official brand logo from your bookstore, library, or school. That's why We Are Bookish's Kelly Gallucci interviewed Estelle Hallick, Publicity and Marketing Manager at Forever, about her process for managing requests, and her advice to members looking to improve their profiles. Set your own deadline a week before the publication date if possible, so you wont be scrambling to write a review at the last minute. You can read. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Once youve selected all that apply, your request shoots off to the author or publisher. Email I've been using Netgalley for a little more than a year, and I love it! Your Bio - Think about your NetGalley Profile like a resume. Its true that NetGalley is one of very few publicly accessible routes to those precious ARCs (i.e. Then you want to get on to the good stuff, the bits the publishers are reallyinterested in where you will share your reviews and how many people will see them. No worries! (LogOut/ As a reader I want more of those from people reviewing from ARC's.,,,, Maintaining the 80% feedback ratio can also get pretty tiring, especially if you already have a busy schedule. Yes, you can have as many books as youd like! I hope youre doing okay. Sorry for the slow reply to this, I always just copy and paste exactly! Maybe thats why I get rejected a lot haha. Try to stick to 3-5 authors to keep things simple. . read tons of exciting new books before anyone else. I Give Feedback on everything else. Details About Your Member Type When I first started on Netgalley, I really had no idea on what I should write in my bio area. I find that the percentage of publishers accepting my requests are not very high, so I hope by improving my profile and making it look more professional Ill have better chances of getting more ARCs in the future , Good luck, I hope editing your profile bio helps get you a few more accepts on book requests!! requests a title from a publisher via Netgalley, that publisher has to go through by hand and approve each request. I havent done much with my bio since I first joined, and its not very good. This isnt the best statement to lead with if youre trying to convince a publisher to give you a digital galley. If youre not comfortable sharing your own photo, use the official brand logo from your bookstore, library, or school. Click here to browse our publisher list. Reading should still give you joy rather than it being a chore. Do you volunteer at your local library? Takes 30 seconds! Awesome info Kelly, really appreciate it. Stats After being approved for a book, you can either download a protected PDF or send the galley proof to your Kindle. My favourite genres include Mystery & Thrillers, Psychological Thrillers, Horror and True Crime. If you apply for romance books, your preferred categories needs to have romance in it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Simple, huh. What You Need to Know Before You Open a NetGalley Account Once you start picking up books, you have to provide feedback for most of the titles you read. I like many genres scifi, speculative fiction, kidlit, literary, nonfiction. Just like you. thanks for the tips. And even when your NetGalley status starts ascending the ranks, that doesnt guarantee youll be approved for all the books you want. Youll then be expected to read the book and provide feedback before the publication date so take note of this deadline when requesting. I have been trying to make my profile stronger. With Discovery, unlike on NetGalley, you dont have to wait for your requests to be dealt with; once your reviewer application is approved, you can pick up whichever books youd like. Dont: Forget to check for typos and broken links Include information about how you use books (and audiobooks) from NetGalley in your classroom. If you do have a website even if its just to host the main pieces of your portfolio add a link to that too. Due to issues with my old iPad, I never signed up for a NetGalley account. Thank you so much. (If youreVERY GOOD at this whole imagining thing, imagine that youve received 265.) Here are a few tips to help you optimize your NetGalley reviewer experience. I have yet to get approved when it comes to big popular books but it's alright. Are you an OwnVoices reviewer? , Really useful Zuky no wonder you get approvals all the time , Thanks Nicki and hmm yes maybe Maybe I need to change it so I get declined more because god knows I need to shorten my NG shelf lol, This is so helpful, my bio is crap! If I DNFed, I say why. And I just requested stuff and eventually got my first approval. Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. So if you want authors and publishers to like you, make sure you cross-post your NetGalley reviews to Amazon and Goodreads! How to Write an Audiobook Review - Bookish Plus, set a recurring reminder for yourself to update those stats on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc). Are you part of a book club? NetGalley: The Ultimate Guide for Indie Authors - Novlr , No worries, Im glad it was useful for you . And if you find yourself craving indie books and a little less pressure, Discovery will be waiting right here. I just found you! Editing to add: I completely forgot that they ask about a company - I just checked my profile, and I just put my website link. When you request there, you have the option to share why you're requesting a specific book, so that could possibly boost your chances. This was very helpful. Member Profiles - NetGalley Client Knowledge Base This may be frustrating to hear when youre eager to pick up tons of books, but believe this: authors and publishers care way less about the numbers than they do about the reviews themselves. Try to stick to 3-5 authors to keep things simple. Authors use NetGalley to obtain reviews for upcoming releases, while reviewers get to be the first to read and comment on them. Make sure to include the date you pulled your stats so its clear to a publisher how recent those numbers are. First Second uses Netgalley theyre a galley service that lets people request advance digital copies of our graphic novels (and other peoples graphic novels and prose books). Relevant Bookish Facts Waterstones:Once published, I will post my reviews to the Waterstones website.. You can find a specific publishers Approval Preferences on their Publisher page, and the information there can help to shape what you share in your Profile. Based on that, they can decide you're a juvenile delinquent a person who struggles with their responsibilities, and not grant your request! To that end, fill in your bio with past experiences and accomplishments that demonstrate both your enthusiasm and qualifications as a reviewer. Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. This is especially true if you find yourself requesting books from the same publishers time and again. Do: Talk about your member type Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. No, but lets get serious here. I love using ReadNow to find books I wouldn't have encountered otherwise, I don't mind not getting advance copies of the huge buzzy books because I know my library will buy them anyway, but ReadNow has helped me find some indie or small press authors I've really taken to. Thank you for these tips. (My first one was from Berkley (publisher), and I love them, so I was excited.) By sharing your favorite authors, you can help provide an even better understanding of the types of books within those Categories you most enjoy. It can be tempting to share information about yourself that you think might help your Profile stand out to publishers, but your linked blog and social media channels are the best way to show off your vibrant personality. Nicole @ FYFA To The Rescue! NetGalley proudly works with publishers and authors, large and small, throughout the world. NetGalley reports are an incredibly useful tool for a publisher using the site. Netgalley makes a big deal about the fact that having a good bio will make publishers more likely to accept your requests, however, they dont really give you a lot of support in terms of what publishers would like to see there, so youre left to your own devices to make something up. You can find them by navigating to a title's Feedback page or by clicking the purple gear icon on the right-hand side of the Manage Titles page. var elem = document.querySelector('form#wpdiscuz-subscribe-form'); However, if you sign up for NetGalley with no reviewing experience whatsoever, its going to take a LOT of work to acquire the books you really want. Litsy A Bookish Social Network, [NewBloggers] What Tools Can Help Me Be An Organized Blogger? Thank you for this useful post My NG profile was long overdue and update ! Thank you so much! Thank you fo sharing. Im Evelina and I blog about books that made an impression on me. On the other hand, if youve never reviewed books before, youll have your work cut out for you. Everyone has influence. Do you review audiobooks as well as print/e-books? . Which is why Im not going to just give an example of my profile. I will happily listen to any advice any of you have to offer! This can mean the department you work in, the events or programs you plan, any purchasing youre in charge of, the outlets youve written for, and more. NetGalley I need to sign up for your newsletter to keep up. No matter what your member type is, chances are that you write book reviews that you publish outside of NetGalley. Many of the top Publishers and indie presses list advance digital copies of their upcoming . And you have to handle all of these book requests, that, honesly, probably just drain the life out of you, cause honestly, there are just so many bloggers, you sometimes just feel the publishing industry is sitting on a huge anthill. Are you a member of an authors street team? Add your school name. Join For Free! This helps to ensure youre sharing the most accurate information about your job, social media statistics, and reading preferences. If your bio makes your head swim with the numbers, 99% says its going to make the publicists head swim too! Provide links to your preferred platforms Maybe you can just add your Goodreads profile? I just updated it now! (I note that this is a really, really specific set of instructions that will definitely help you out with requesting any First Second requests; possibly not so much with other publishers, depending on their own policies.). What Tools Can Help Me Be An Organized Blogger? While youre in the About You section of your Profile, make sure to check out the options under Topics! ), Thanks and yes, thats something I need to do too , This is great! Nicole has blogged about starting out on NetGalley before and you should also read that post for further info! Ive also included a bit in mine to say that I make it a point to post reviews prior to publication date or as requested by publishers. The two templates above serve only as a framework, so feel free to add or delete some sentences as you see fit. Amazon: Once published, I will post my reviews to Amazon. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. So Im happy with my results so far!! Sorry for the late response Anne! 10 Things You Should Include in Your NetGalley Profile This is really helpful. ), which is similar to Netgalley. Both offer a standard listing and email support, and the latter includes a slot in the NetGalley newsletter, which goes out 6-7 times a month. I have another question for ya! #TheStruggleIsReal. Edelweiss can be a challenge for some, cause its not simply a requesting platform its also a platform where book sellers get books and publishers release their upcoming books catalog! Am I supposed to use HTML coding when doing these reviews? NetGalley helps publishers and authors promote digital review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. Great post! Does anyone use Netgalley and how do you get approved? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for book recs, interviews, and favorites from our editor. However, theres no such thing as a free lunch NetGalley members are expected to provide frequent reviews to retain access to its titles. Thanks and yes, they dont really give you much of an indication of what you should put in the bio! I have a third one out I havent gotten to yet that looks promising! Be part of the movement that shines a light on them. This is what I wonder about, because I don't use social media. How to Write a Netgalley Profile - First Second Books Writing And Scheduling Posts, What Tools Can Help Me Be An Organized Blogger? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2010-2023 NetGalley LLC. So there is a little bit of guidance on how to write a Netgalley bio! Thank you so much for writing this! Look through which Categories youve selected, check that your links are working, and reread your Bio. Your Bio is the perfect place to share this information with publishersas long as youre comfortable, of course! Consider making it visible so that if publishers ever have a question or want to work with you on a specific campaign, they can reach out.