Why would he call me sis? Im sure he doesnt mean to offend you and will stop using the term if you ask him to. Hell I even take care of the 2 kids she had wit my alleged friend! I have never met his baby mama. If I choose to deal with himnever his decision. Every case is different. Her father is semi on the scene (couple of times a week, doesn't really contribute anything), recently I've noticed that her BD tends to crack jokes in chat which she finds hilarious. Because I don't entertain drama. She starts asking for more time with you. Back in January he moved out of the household , so things for us , became real better. He cheated and got the girl knocked up. I had my daughter very young and I might of had puppy love with her father but I do not think we ever had a deep emotional bond which made it easier for us both to move on. The Proud Family - Wikipedia Do I just sit here abd get my heart broken day aftsr day and pretend I don't know? The baby was born 2 days b4 his bday which is 2 days b4 mine. (I left her cuz she cheated) she thinks I'm never going to find anyone but her.it seems like She just ****s with me and I'm not the type to get revenge but I wanna just find someone else to be with and move on . Miss Lucy called the lady with the alligator purse. cuz sweet heart you are no better than they are. But i thought we where talking about when I was stuck in another country I just kinda brought it up cuz he blows me sometimes and I just wanna hurt him back. Even if you want him still you have to make not more contact with him. My babydadd still calls me every three months, I actually thought we moved on ..He continues to come where I'm at ..acting silly. Smh worst feeling in the world is to love somebody that you can NEVER have!! 6 years ago. No. The thing is I tell him I miss my family and him but he never responds back yet when we go out he pays for everything for both of us but we don't talk much, I will admit that I'm kinda scared to talk to him. He says she's very confrontational and he doesn't want drama . Why do I like it when my boyfriend calls me "Mommy"? - CouplesPop He doesn't have a job at the moment. As a woman who didn't want a child, yet you are sleeping with random men-you had the choice of birth control OR not to sleep with a man you werent in a committed relationship with. But you allow him to cheat with and you also allow him to on you with his woman (ex or wife or other girl friend he had sex with to produce his son) This is a wake up call for you to consider what you want? Am I wrong to feel that way? He's a grown ass man. Dear Carolyn: My husband has a child by his ex-girlfriend. Take care. Me and my boyfriend have been together for two years, I've never met his BM in person but she knows of me. And no woman do not always love or care for the unwanted sperm donor. Dealing with your boyfriend's baby mama is sometimes not a pleasant experience, unless she is a very selfless woman. Many other cultures are very accommodating of male infidelity. Its his way of saying hes committed to you. If he doesnt follow through with setting boundaries with his baby mama, then he's a ****. It might seem like this guy is super amazing in the moment, but what is he demonstrating? I have to make up in my mind that Im not dealing with his drama. Would any of his family tell you the truth? - yup! Its a common question; What does it mean if my boyfriend calls me his baby mama?. It's not about how we feel about eachother. He says he loves her now because they are having a child together and he can't let his child to be in a broken home. And we have been together for 5 yrs. Several Indicia That She Is Still Involved In His Life As His Baby Mama. There seems to be this attitude of "men have needswhat do you expectfor him to be a monk for a year." When he talks to his baby mama in secret - Dr. Zoe Shaw "Yes, I'm the one. I have not a drop of ANY type of feelings for him! He's done something disrespectful to her. But im not sure he did..think he stayed with me cuz she isnt going anywhereits been a yr ..this chick comes in n chills every time she drops off her soni have told him she needs to drop off their son and goi dont trust them ..n its no way to live..i cant tell you what to do..just hope it works out for u..so far not great for me..i think its exit time..this chick will be around for awhile and im sure try getting him back again like she admitted before..sending him naked pics..that he erased off messages just not off his gallery..n he still erases all his text from her..so guess its up to u.i have two boys but their father doesnt come around n i know if he were around i definitely wouldn't get away with doing what my boyfriend n his ex do..n i wouldn't cuz its disrespectful good luck!! This could indicate an expired SSL certificate or a certificate that does not include the requested domain name. 3 years later later I still think about what I coulda done better. If you are happy with that ranking, then great carry on, but if you have aspirations of being more than his OW, then you need to cut this guy loose. But he tried to tel me I set him up wow I said to him. If your boyfriend is confident, charming, and persuasive, you might think you've hit the jackpot. Just hope she could see i learned b4 its to late. Baby mamas are very evil and jealous especially when the man doesn't want them and is in a growing relationship with someone else. I really loved him and thought what we had was special. Just because that's the kind of person he is. He's cheater on both you and the baby mama! Plus I learnt from him and his family that his ex treated him like sh*t. Well, I have a unique situation. She is 7 months and he is just not telling me and his family. Im not sure what youre talking about and Im pretty sure you dont either. Yeah, something definitely is funny about that. I can relate! If your bf/gf left the baby daddy/momma then I would assume they don't want them! I think people often underestimate how big of a deal it really is to have a child with someone especially if you have that child with someone you dont plan on staying in a romantic relationship with. This is the beginning of her trying to make the relationship hell if he doesn't put a stop to it now it will continue to happen. Whereas, if he only calls you mama and he shows different behavior and body language around you then it would be more likely that he is attracted to you. Why do u think he's doing this family thing all of a sudden. A time log then bring it up to him only once if he doesn't correct the situation with the BM then there's your point he wants both of them or there's a possible affair going on between the two of them and if he does not my advice is move forward its not just about the baggage he will bring its the drama he will keep take care and good luck. Now recently we were at the mall the kids him and I and someone who knows his wife saw us and told her. Then one thing led to another, then here I am pregnant. He's not a very social person through text so we really don't talk as often as I would like. She left him. No man can trap you into being pregnant. If he doesnt stop saying it after youve asked him to, thats when you do have a problem. All he has to do is pretend like he's treating you special and he gets access. Unless there was not a relationship prior and the woman got pregnant by accident. MadameNoire Copyright 2023 BossipMadameNoire, LLC All Rights Reserved | BHM Digital. Also, if youre in a new relationship, it can come across as a bit presumptuous! There are APPS that allow you to skip an in person consultation with a gyn, and receive a prescription for birth control for under 20$. Of course, you dont have to have children with him just because hes calling you his baby mama, but it is a sign that hes serious about you. Body Language Central IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM. Not sure what he has told her about me and it doesnt matter given that I have never met her and he's sending me messages about wanting to get back together behind her back as I'm sure she would not be ok with that. He said he didn't know how to , but he was gonna tell me , he had to tell me. He has too much to deal with and is putting her feelings ahead of yours. At the end of the day, he is obviously not happy but he does not love you anymore than he loves her. I can tell in the tone of his voice. when out daughter was one he left to live in Iowa for almost a year and he got a girlfriend for months at a time he wouldn't even ask about her. I dated a guy who had three THREE different babymamas, (FOOL, me, of course) and two of them he had a good relationship with but one he hated. Know who's talking to whom when. Good luck to you. Also, does she always complain about her ex? In the end the now wife told her that she was just 'keeping the bed warm', while she wasn't there. She Shouldn't Be Texting or Calling Him at Inappropriate Times. Dump him and go find a man who is available and proud to walk around with you as his girlfriend. I was with the mom for 5 years. Or you can say you would tell his baby mama about your affair with him. It pisses me off and it's little things she so to get under my skin. If he is your friend and he calls you mama then it would be a sign that he wants to be more than just friends with you. He spent all last week at my house and of course we are physically attracted to each other so we have been having sex the whole time. If it was about the kids I can understand, but no it's either about how her hair dresser messed up her hair, or about some stupid stuff. I ignored her text and sent him an email with the screenshot of her text and asked if he could kindly ask her not to text me. Knowing someday I wanted kids and stormed out of my house me pretty much begging her to calm down bottom line is a year on I'm still hurt and still angry, when I left I left her everything to protect her and still got it all thrown back at me, she plays the victim so well though. Trust me when I say she will try to break the both of you up even if she is with someone else. I feel selfish for telling her how I feel but I keep my mouth shut. To hit on me after 8 months of not sleeping with him and I kiss him back and now I feel.like a fool because..i know i would still sleep with him ..smh I say u left me for your ex and is engaged 6 months after you left me..he.told me once before I can't choose I said yes you can u you did already I need good advice because iam still in love with him Idk how that can be ..he hurt me bad..sorry for the long message just need some flood advice, Yeah I said same thing but i am a hypocrite because I almost slept with my sons father AND. It amazes me how people can point out others faults, but fail to realize you made bad choices also. Meaning we did not concentrate on ourselves but always put them first. The goal is always to de-triangle. Fact that he doesn't want you to text, call or see him often is more proof that he's still with her. You should never settle for being second choice. Well she sure did drop the tea , I end up asking him , and he never denied it , but he never said anything either. Or you can say you would tell his baby mama about your affair with him. I will never let my daughter go through that I went through ever . When you're dating a guy and he's not using your real name and calling you baby, instead, it means he loves you. Sick of dudes acting like women just go crazy for no reason - yea right! I don't even know what to do about it anymore. What's funny he doesn't realize how good he has it. We only contact through a talking portal online, where everything is recorded for the judge. you obviously got yourself pregnant on purpose as well. A lot of men find that Mama is a better alternative to nicknames like Baby, Babe, or Sweetie. I always give him the benefit of the doubt because i want to trust him but is he really loyal to me? He was selfish and mean and I felt so alone but i just wanted my son to have his father and I knew he wouldn't be around unless I took care of him. What does it mean when a guy calls you mom? - GirlsAskGuys In my situation I don't per se love my child's father but I respect him as her father, He has a girlfriend now that has really helped him mature their relationship is really good, I actually like her more than him. so yeah I'll just do what I gotta do . he just tells me to be patient because he will buy them an apartment to move in too and that everything would be back to normal. It was a hot mess but I made sure he heard my take on all this because he barely spend s time with his kids and I dont nag him about it kids will learn one way or the other who their parent is down the line but Im just so fed up I dont know if all this has to do with the stupidness that happen because if it does its so ridicuous all because hes married. He called one Friday night after a few drinks and said he was coming over. I went to the doctor to make sure I was straight. I was devastated and it all made since, but he took away my choice in this. Sometimes it's hard for men and because they were in love, some fall in love and have children some people were never in love or had a form of puppy love, but if a deep emotional bond was created this can harbor bitter feelings and sadness for the dumped party either guy or girl. Her and my son never want for anything! Nope. In some cases, a guy might start calling you his baby mama because he's trying to drop a subtle (or not so subtle) hint that he wants to have children with you. Continue with this affair or just drop get rid of him and say it's over finally over you had enough of this and you want out and you will call the police on him if he doesn't leave you alone. What does it mean a man call me BABY MAMA? I love him and deep down I have a feeling that maybe we will be together in the future. "If she constantly asks intrusive questions, your partner needs to be able to reply: 'That is not up for discussion.'". We would have sex on and off . Sounds like his wife is now in town. One thing I can tell you is there is a bond between two people who have shared a part of their lives together and brought children into their lives. My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now, he has a child with his ex but he told me their relationship ended long time ago. He has to put his foot down and tell bm not to call at all hours of the night. Its certainly a little weirder when youre not actually the mother of his child, I can see that. I go forward not backwards! I said nothing about anyone's flaws. He says it was a mistake, and he loves both me, but he has to be with her because she is carrying his child. She said, "He'll marry him a quiet girl who doesn't give him problems." I tell him, "Either call me my name, M's momma, or just don't say shit at all. That dont make my bm a side chick when im telling whoever im talking to that she comes 1st. February 12, 2021 at 9:06 am Cadbury. Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Not Over His Baby Mama (21 Sure Signs to and 2. he's never called me that before. black entertainment news, parenting tips and beauty secrets that are specifically for black women. I feel really bad for your situation see Im female though who has done nothing but stick by her man even though he's done nothing but treat me like shit, they way he talks to me, calls me every name under the sun, our son is one month old and I've jusy found that hes been messaging girls behind my back, this is the third time of him messaging girls and I really don't know what to do, I don't want my son to have a broken family but I've just got to the point where I think he will never change I've been loyal to him took him in and everytime we argue I feel bad in kicking him out because he has nowhere to go so today even though ive seen him message girls he's lay in my bed whilst I'm in the bath holding back tears wondering what I done wrong to be getting treated this way, This is some real ass shit, I swear if every man and woman was as straight up as this. But why what did she do so bad for you to feel this way? I have had so many excuses for him mistreating me. That's messed up. Your guy calls you baby because he is a hopeless romantic. It very likely makes him run the other way. there's no way I would ever date/marry a guy with kids! Nope, I can't stand my ex-husband lol..I just let him talk to his girls and that's about it..I could careless about him. But he wants his child and her in his house. should i just cut the relationship short?. "Dating a man with kids and feeling left out". The reality is that, if she and the child are Honduran citizens, there is not a whole lot he can do if she decides to leave and take the child back home with her. Thanks, See my bf and I have been dating and his ex/baby mama is about to give birth any day now to his son his son was not planned he was drunk that one night and she cheated on him multiple times but I still feel like the other women even though the only connection to her is his son which I except the baby just not her but I feel like crap because she could give him his first child and I cant Im scared I might lose to him to her In the future even though the only time they talk is about the baby about to be born I just dont know what to do anytime his mom calls she tell him about the baby but dislikes me because she feels Im the barrier between him and his ex getting back together and that I ruined a childs family future and everyone pissed at him for hooking up with me instead of being with her because they want the baby to have both parents and not parents with separate lovers so this entire time I feel like the devil in this situation the other women. And she has a very tight relationship with his family. cuz u know u have to deal with the drama that his baby mama will cuz. He's with her and he's with you. I know t's an old post but I guess you definitely did not feel secure in your relationship. I hate my boyfriends baby and the baby mama drama. Step 1. Now he and I dont even speak not even related to the kids he speaks to me by calling our kids phone he blocked me from all communication to him he told me I am sorry for leading you on when he said this I was mad Because he and I had nothing going on. Why you think I'm answering his phone?" I have been trying to help him with rides so he can get steady work and help me financially and just for hisself also. Why do you tolerate this? So Ms. blueprintwhy don't you do these ladies a favor and tell them you're laying up with their man. They were never married. My son and his father broke up about two montha ago but about a month ago we started hanging out.I think he started to miss us. anyways I'm 100% wanting to get back together with him and I ask him well are we gonna be together now because your the only person is want to be with and he responds "we'll see" like what does that even mean. and I'm the one the broke up with him in the first place. His mom and I were cool until he told me she was talking bad about me and when I asked her she said he told her i didn't want to talk to her and eventually the drama he created was too much and at the end of the day she is his mom and will side with him. Yes, its definitely a good sign if your boyfriend is calling you his baby mama! i have the same problem, i had this boy his name is lebo at first he told me that his not with the baby mama and out of the blue he told me the baby mama is back in his life.i stoped calling him and he called to ask me to give him R100.what can i do. For me, yes. The person who posted on here earlier this year. Smh.. all I see is worthless woman thinking she's it..lol. When considering what his body language is telling you it is important to look for a number of different signs in his body language. It doesnt matter if you Have 20 kids together if hes with someone and youre still having sex with him youre the side chick. It's just normal to me. wow you really need to chill out because no body is a worthless. But if he's in love why did he cheat or why is she so understanding to what he wants and waiting on him like this I did cuz I was a kid then I think were 25 n hell he 28 this year n shes 30 so I dont get this love triangle but I'm out of it. Well I'm falling for a man with 2 "babymamas" recently and it sucks. It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people's true intentions. 10 Signs You Know He's Smitten | HuffPost Life I'm in this same situation. U have to know the back atory in order to understand the emotion behind people and their relationships with the child's other parent. If he doesnt get why this needs to happen, it could be a sign something deeper is going on that hes trying to hide. This is one of the reasons why the economy *****. Honestly, I would be interested as to why y'all haven't been able to meet one another. if u want to stay then this is ur life if u decide to marry him one day. I have always loved my children's father and I always will; but we're friends now and that's what counts. I am a sucker , I won't disagree with you . If you the blueprint then why isn't he with you? The difference between me and most men is that i learned from my mistakes. **** your feelings. Is he ready to commit? 9 signs he's not over his ex - TODAY.com Now, same as you I take full responsibility, for my actions as well. Well when your boyfriend calls you "baby girl" it is just basically a pet name. I was once in a relationship with someone who has two kids. etc. Sounds messed up to say but I wouldn't date someone with a child.. You hit it on the nail. The origin web server does not have a valid SSL certificate. 9. Its hard to explain why, since she was a terrible partner for me, and we weren't compatible at all. Even his wife said, she didn't expect that he could go without sex for that long. AS AN AMAZON ASSOCIATE, Body Language Central EARNS FROM QUALIFYING PURCHASES. If its not about the kid (or kids), do they really need to talk like that? But it's weird, when he calls me by my name, I think he's mad at me LOL. She reply saying okay was just giving you the heads up or I think I dropped the tea. This is especially true in the sense that your co-parent, if not on good terms with you,and in some cases, still in love with you, could be a major impediment to future relationships. My boyfriend cheated on me with his baby mama and now she is pregnant but I still love him HELP!! He seeks my approval because I set the standard. She uses my kid against me one minute and keeps him while shes ****ing with different guys but then tells me how.much she loves me . Many said no because the mancomes as a packaged deal with childandpossible drama with the childs mother. telling the truth I am going through the same thing, but mine is multiple. She says even if I have a girl she will come up and kiss me and she will always try to be with me.