Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunUranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonPlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-VenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-MarsAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-PlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-NorthSouthNodeAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts. This version of the Sun trine the Moon synastry allows the woman to express herself easily. If it is a weak asteroid, it will protect it and make it stronger like make Deja fight back. In addition, Sun trine Moon synastry is successful for the business, family, home, and pedagogical and educational relationships. You may be the kind of person who teases me, lures them and then exacts revenge on them for being attracted to you. Sun-Pluto Synastry: Conjunct, Trine, Square, Opposite, Sextile Shes alluring, and theres something slightly provocative about her not by the way she dresses or anything like that, but theres a way about her that tells other that she cant be trifled with. Synastry Aspects for Soulmates in Astrology (Explained A-Z) :/, Thanks for letting me know, Deja. Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Conjunctions between these planets will help the two get along better and will reduce the tendency to clash over egos. The woman may doubt her femininity and the man may doubt his masculinity. Both partners often feel defensive, which may kill their attraction to each other. But, with medusa thrown into the mix, i feel like that might accentuate that aspect of my Eros:/. Medusa is a really vicious tease and she would hurt the Sun person but this is just one aspect so we would need to see the whole chart to see what would happen. I have medusa in my first house making no major aspects yet i feel like i embody this asteroid. Best Marriage Aspects in Synastry [Everything You Need to Know] - Review42 In marriage, the Solar can be inattentive and ignore, hurt, and annoy the Lunar, usually unintentionally. The Sun trine the Moon synastry corresponds to romantic and marital relationships, especially if the Solar is a man and the Lunar is a woman. Gottcha Janay. Sun conjunct Sun in synastry: Your overall characteristics and energy levels are very similar. Usually, there is a level of competition between the partners, but there is a strong attraction even through this competitive energy. Sun Conjunct Sun synastry shows a very intense and loving relationship between two people. The couple will likely be diplomatic, attractive, charming, and well adorned. This aspect injects your relationship with enthusiasm, optimism, and trust. A Sun-Sun synastry combination suggests a strong creative connection between the partners. In the presence of a number of other significant factors, this aspect may well form a . Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects Ok, I did what you suggested, and this is what I found: If it is conj YOUR NN, it will be a major life theme, K. I have Medusa conjunct Venus and Chiron. The individuals tend to boost each others energy levels, or, at the very least, allow each other to function efficiently without draining energy from each other. Mercury is never more than twenty-eight degrees from the Sun, and Venus is never more than forty-five degrees. The Sun conjunct Pluto synastry is very similar to the Sun-Mars combination, differing from it mainly by the depth of the produced effects. Synastry:MoonNorthNodeAspects However, you share the same flaws and weaknesses as well as the positive qualities, and you may find it difficult to be with someone who so clearly exhibits the very things you like least about yourself. *Daily and weekly incentives based off appointments and performance. This aspect is a very supportive one in any chart comparison. It probably doesnt help that venus is conjunct my mars by 1 degree in my 7th house loosely conjunct my descendent, AND valentine is also exactly (to the second) conjunct my sun. Some women have trouble being around very beautiful women. They tend to share a sense of purpose or destiny that helps them stay together. while the other is content to stay home. The woman seems to dominate the relationship while the man, against his will, begins to gain a new understanding of his childhood. It isnt a relationship that will die out easily, so there can be enough energy to accomplish just about anything. I wonder how rare this is??? This is not a lukewarm relationship! It is up to the two of you to develop mutual appreciation for your differences rather than antagonize each other. medusa conjunct my venus with a 2 degree in my 5th house. What do you think of medusa, asteroid lilith, dark moon lilith and chiron conjunct mercury (scorpio, in 4th house)? The Sun square Mars synastry aspect can indicate competition between the couple. My medusa conjuncts my boyfriends sun exactly. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects Though it can be a positive transit, it highlights our areas of self awareness we need to work on such as overconfidence and extreme egotistical behavior. If you need to report or discuss a sexual assault in Utah, you can call the Rape and Sexual Assault Crisis Line at 801-736-4356. The Sun opposite the Moon synastry is fairly common in family and other committed relationships where the Solar is dynamically influencing and the Lunar is statically receiving. In Synastry (with an acquaintance) I have it exactly conjunct their Sun and their Medusa is conjunct my moon (2 deg orb). Find Top Doctors who perform Dry Eye Surgery Conjunctivo chalasis True communication can manifest itself on many levels as each partner has the necessary qualities to balance the other. You two make wonderful travel companions. Some conversations went ok, others not so much. Their views, wants, and needs relating to sex might differ from each other. I was not surprised to see this in Kate Middleton's synastry with Prince William. Why It's So Hard to Sue Doctors for Sexual Assault in Utah ProPublica My boundaries have always been weak, but I am going to counseling to improve in that area. My heart goes out to you! Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts In essence, he is elevating her, in the eyes of society. The conjunction is the strongest aspect; both trine and sextile can result in mutual attraction. She lures men with her beauty and when they bite (figuratively speaking), she attacks. If there are practical skills for living that they both lack, this could be a real problem. Medusa has a story that people want to change. You may struggle with the things of the Medusa myth i.e jealousy from women due to your beauty and may have had some bad things happen as a result. I think you are a natural astrologer, Tina. An important factor is the Signs in which the Moon and the Sun are located even if they do not form a precise aspect. The Sun in the partner's first house of a synastry overlay creates a familiar feeling between the two of you. How would Medusa Conjunct Asc exact work in synastry? The Sun opposite or square the Moon synastry often signifies the attraction of the partners to each other which is complicated by problems and difficulties. And as the expression of a singular soul, it is an energy that is rare and unique. It also shows your compatibility in energy levels, time spent together, and sexual preferences. The Jupiter fosters the Sun person's self-confidence. I feel the same way with you honey! Sun-Mercury Aspects In The Synastry Chart - Tea & Rosemary This is a lovely aspect if you need to work or accomplish something together. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects The twist to the story is that Medusa turned her hatred on men. Its a major aspect in the synastry chart that is important to delve into. How does Medusa play out when it is conjunct Venus in a womans chart? How do you think Medusa would play out conjunct a womens venus in her natal chart? Thank you for being up front with me. Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry: Sun - Sun Aspects Between Two Charts - Cafe Astrology Are both great indicators of a successful marriage. Sun conjunct Venus in synastry is both a potent yet subtle compatibility aspect. Its an easy aspect to have in a relationship. At the same time, by accepting the role of his own mother, he discovers great happiness in his family life. Both the Sun and the Mars person respect each others individuality. Synastry:AscendantNorthNodeAspects, THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & ATTRACTION: ARTICLES & GUIDES. Thankyou , Lilith conj the asc can mean magnetic sexuality esp in house 1. These discussions are based on the synastry aspects between the Sun in their two charts. I have Medusa quintile mc and quincunx ascendant is good or bad ?? Synastry:MoonSaturnAspects However, as the relationship progresses, there can be many ego clashes in the relationship. Would it amp up the effect of Medusa? They probably dont know how to communicate well in this area. This is definitely true from my experience. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Required fields are marked *. This woman was vain.She was not a bad person at all. Back to Medusa. Under the Sun square the Moon synastry, the energy principle is in conflict with the family principle, and the severity of these differences depends on other aspects. That sounds like messed up, but what would Eros conjuncting it do? Thanks. If so, just try to deal with it as best as you can and be as kind as you can. I also have medusa quintile venus. If you have the Sun sextile Mars aspect in synastry with your partner, you probably enjoy many activities together. xoxoox, I have medusa trine MC at 2.13 orb any insights on this dear? Of course, those people hate me. Thank you for your feedback. This means that Mercury and Venus may be conjunct as well. Appointments are a (Pay per Set =$25.) They tend to share a sense of purpose or destiny that helps them stay together. This is mainly due to the fact that there is little need to explain oneself to each other. He will abuse her but it will be more hidden but it will come out in time. Its so wonderful to have found such a caring and wonderful soul like yourself . With the Sun conjunct Moon synastry aspect, the conscious wants of the Sun person's are aligned with the subconscious needs of the Moon person. Sun in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House. This relationship has creativity and feeling, two essential ingredients for a wholesome experience. You're efficient when working together . There is usually a battle of wills in this relationship. Sun Conjunct Venus Synastry: Relationships and Friendships Explained I also have this natally but I also have Valentine conjunct asc exact natally too and in this synastry. Book an appointment today! It just feels natural. Five Aspects in the Natal Chart of Women that - My Christian Psychic what does it mean if I have medusa(Gemini) conjunct Mercury(in 11th house) and Jupiter (12th house)? All of this means that this cross-sign conjunction needs to be analyzed in the context of the two charts involved. As the position of the Sun is tied to a persons birthday, this means that if people have the same birthday or a few days apart, this aspect will present and quite intense. The Solar actively takes the initiative and the role of a leader, if other aspects do not contradict this. Well, if it is conj a personal planet like Mercury, you would,but if it is conj the NN or another person, you will be that way with them. Recommend extreme caution if this turns up in synastry. This would have been my ex from college. That is the long and short of it. I get bored after getting men. This may be a constant dynamic, or this may switch back and forth between the partners. There is a great deal of compatibility between you, for you understand and are in harmony with one anothers basic needs, aims, and approach to life. It kind of describes me. Each of you affirms and confirms the others purpose. At any rate, Medusa had beautiful hair. This version of Sun conjunct Moon synastry symbolizes a woman-dominated relationship. This means that there is a high incidence of this aspect between family members, which can account for quite complicated connections between them. Sometimes the Lunar behaves absentmindedly and inconsistently toward the Solar partner, annoying them with melancholy. A conjunction occurs when two planets are in the same place in the zodiac in the charts of two people. I hate to be so blunt but I try to keep it real lol, I have Medusa quintile mc and quincunx ascendant can you tell me what that means? Pay: *Commission based!! Sun-Venus Opposite-Square-Conjunct-Trine-Sextile Synastry At that time, they will tend to focus on all the things that they have in common, and there will be a lot of them. The Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect is highly charged. The Sun sextile the Moon synastry is especially good for family relationships and business partnerships. Medusa wanted to be admired for her beauty. You are friendly, kind and generous. We earn from qualifying purchases. I think you may be in denial that you urge men on and then reject them. The Sun conjunct the Sun in synastry can result in two extremely confident, positive and independent people who go about their life unfettered by others. 15.7k. She lured men to her and then she killed them. I thought this men chaser in me was attributed to my Eros in Aries. The Mars person will be both defensive and angry. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. What might this mean? Politically correct women dont like how the Asteroid myths portray women. The differences in your personalities, if not understood and handled properly, can lead to mutual frustration. Although it may be pleasantly challenging at times, and especially at the beginning of your relationship, the need to defend ones basic personality can be draining. You enjoy a similar conversational flow. Hi i really need help with this! The Sun and Moon have vastly different influences in the chart. Those are just some thoughts. While the Sun sextile Mars synastry aspect means that there is an opportunity to develop a strong sexual spark, this might not happen immediately. If one or both people have planets in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius or Aquarius (or possessing these signs), then there is a good chance that Sun Conjunct Sun will be present in this relationship. It also trines Uranus (Aquarius in 8th house) and opposite Chiron (sag in 6th house)? Persephone square my ASC by 32 minutes. She did lure.Then,she would demean the men that responded. In most cases, the Sun conjunct the Moon synastry partners become good friends. Sun sextile Moon synastry corresponds to a relationship based on cooperation and mutual understanding. When I read this article, I could kind of relate to Medusa but I dont know how. My Progressed Sun was conjunct his Natal Sun. They dont overstep when their partner is doing something important; they probably arent overly needy in these areas. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. YOU are the most important person to me. The Sun Conjunct Sun synastry aspect reveals an important connection between the people it joins, one that can inform you about how they work together. Say if Medusa is exactly conjunct a persons sun? It can help a relationship, but it can also get in the way. If the "Solar" is a natural leader, this synastry turns out better (for example, if it is a relationship . She tends to lead the relationship, and cooperation is easy for the man who relies on her advice, trusts her wisdom, and sees her as a guiding light. Medusa was beautiful and proud of her beauty. Communication is essential in this relationship. When it comes to hobbies and activities, the Sun trine Mars synastry aspect means that both partners are usually on the same wavelength. Whether this is expressed through liberal compliments between the two, or boasting about ones partner to friends and family, or both, there exists a mutual respect and pride in the relationship. Something else i find interesting is i am the only person who has darkish curly hair in my family!!! There can be ego conflicts and competitiveness. It is easy for you to be together because you do not have to explain yourselves to one another. The energy will build up and must come out somewhere, but its up to you to decide how this happens. The Sun Conjunct Sun relationship is generally one of creative cooperation, with a growing sense of intimacy. All in orbs of 1 degree. Wow interesting Tina. My hair is very curly ringlets just like medusa i also have a very dark type of gaze. If that is the case, the two become even more alike. The Sun conjunct Ascendant synastry aspect means you magnify each other's strengths by sending positive energy. The Sun and the Sun share a comfortable and enjoyable relationship. For example, if your Sun is in an Air Sign and your parnters Moon is in an Air or Fire Sign, then even without their obvious aspect you can expect a harmonious relationship. Both the Sun and Mars are very masculine energy planets. In Sun conjunct Sun synastry, this aspect between the partners can create a feeling of an intense friendship or a passionate love relationship between two people. The Sun Conjunct Sun synastry combination shows a tendency to form connections which are intense and enduring. Most Saturn placements in a synastry chart represent past life karma. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Anything that conjuncts the MC will touch you out in the open, in your relationship with society. The roots of the disagreements are often emotional (this is especially true for the Lunar). Energy Consultant (commission + Sit pay) Job in Provo, UT at Sun/Solar/Life This is such a powerful synastry when it happens to you that it tends to permeate all aspects of your relationship especially if you are involved in a relationship where there is little conflict or attachment. Therefore, both of our Progressed Sun's will be conjunct forever in time/space. Do you have Sun conjunct Sun synastry with your partner? I no longer have her in my life (the non financial identity thief), but when she was in my life, this behaviour was so uncomfortable to observe, that it was quite sickening! You have both affection and passion in the relationship. Where Athena cursed Medusa, for either breaking her vow of celibacy, or because she was raped. Under the Sun conjunct Venus synastry, a strong emotional-intuitive connection is possible since Venus exalts in Pisces. However, keep in mind that other aspects also contribute to your hobbies and sexual compatibility as a couple. We never contacted one another again. My Neptune and Venus are intercepted. People with this bond are creative, courageous, intelligent, and energetic. The closer the Sun is by degree, the stronger and more intense this aspect is. In the astrology chart it is represented by two suns touching one another. If two people have the same Sun sign, the influence of this aspect will be present. These are 2 different things. This transit can bring about desires for travel, vacations or getting out of town. Its no surprise that when it lines up with the Sun in your birth chart, theres a lot of attention on you! Yes, you would seem like a Medusa person if his Moon is involved. Find top doctors who perform Dry Eye Surgery Conjunctivo chalasis surgery near you in Provo, UT. They probably have mutual likes/dislikes, or they can easily respect what the other person wants. Competitiveness can be a real problem. It was a humbling experience. I am the Medusa. Venus conjunct the Sun makes you popular and sociable. <3. This aspect strongly influences your romantic relationships, attracting love, affection and admiration from others. I thought it was the same lol. During this time you will be thrust into the spotlight. Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth, Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts For a man-woman couple, the most favorable type of this synastry (in the sense of minimizing the number of disagreements) is when the man is the Solar personality and the woman is the Lunar one. The Sun represents our ego and identity on a very deep level. Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts My Venus is in house 8, Neptune in house 2, and Mars in house 4. Thank you. However, you most likely have similar energy levels, making it easier to work together on just about anything. The Lunar considers the Solar insensitive and unbearable while the Solar considers the Lunar easily changeable, gloomy, and lazy. Do you feel this could be true? Sun Conjunct Moon Synastry: Marriage, Friendship, Soul Mates - Astrology However, as with most things in astrology, there is a downside to this pairing of luminaries. Be careful that this remains healthy (as it certainly can be) and doesnt turn too competitive or nasty. When the transiting Sun is in conjunction with the natal Sun, a person is pulled in many different directions because of increased activity. Maybe, you have jealousy from other woman due to your gifts. If Medusa applies to you, I am sure it does, my Friend! Currently you have JavaScript disabled. However, the Sun square the Moon synastry does not lead to serious conflicts because the disagreements mainly have to do with different temperaments and can be resolved relatively easily, allowing the partners to achieve harmony. Lets hope she consented to Poseidons seductions. Im satisfying my own ego. conjunctivorhinostomy near Provo, UT | WebMD Physician Directory I dont mind men being attracted, but I want them to keep their distance unless I express definite interest in return. You probably have similar ways of expressing yourselves sexually, although this is only one aspect of many placements when it comes to physical compatibility. Among the stars that have a different birth, This means that it will be hard for them to balance each other. Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects 5 Key Things to Know About Sun Conjunct Moon in Synastry - popularastrology Sun trine Sun in synastry: Would he be medusa or her victim?